News Team

Reforms to speed up the planning system and get the country building

Reforms to speed up the planning system and get the country building...

The Housing Secretary has announced an overhaul of the country’s outdated planning system designed to deliver the high-quality, sustainable homes communities need. The changes will transform a system...

Two speed rental market between London and the rest of the UK

Two speed rental market between London and the rest of the UK...

Hometrack has released its latest index for the second quarter of 2020 with analysis showing diverging trends in supply and demand of rental property between London and the rest of the UK. Average rents...

NRLA welcomes government Green Homes grant scheme

NRLA welcomes government Green Homes grant scheme...

The NRLA are welcoming the news that the Government has accepted many of their recommendations about how the new Green Homes Grant scheme should work. Announced in the Chancellor’s Summer Statement,

Tenant demand is highest for homes that come unfurnished

Tenant demand is highest for homes that come unfurnished...

The latest research by Howsy, has revealed that across the UK’s major cities, tenant demand is highest for homes that come unfurnished. Howsy compared the level of stock already snapped up by tenants...

New NRLA and SAL joint membership option

New NRLA and SAL joint membership option...

Landlords who let properties in England, Wales and Scotland can now have joint membership of associations north and south of the border under a new partnership. The National Residential Landlords Association...

£1.3bn to build 45,000 new homes and £2bn Green homes grant scheme

£1.3bn to build 45,000 new homes and £2bn Green homes grant...

45,000 new homes and other infrastructure projects were given the green light with nearly £1.3 billion of investment confirmed today by Housing Secretary Robert Jenrick. Over 300 successful projects in...

Rental market may buck the usual seasonal lull

Rental market may buck the usual seasonal lull...

ARLA Propertymark’s PRS June report for Letting Agents (click here to download) showed the number of tenants experiencing rent rises has increased. 29% of agents reported landlords raising rent compared...

House price growth for July could be a false dawn

House price growth for July could be a false dawn...

The Nationwide House Price index report for July shows annual house price growth recovering by 1.5% and prices up 1.7% month-on-month, after taking account of seasonal factors. Robert Gardner, Nationwide’s...

Some signs of mortgage market recovery

Some signs of mortgage market recovery...

The Bank of England have released their June report for money and credit statistics showing UK household’s net borrowing was £1.8 billion after large repayments in previous months. The increase can...

Ten Covid-19 scams to be on high alert for

Ten Covid-19 scams to be on high alert for...

Using the coronavirus pandemic as an opportunity, fraudsters are using sophisticated methods to callously exploit people, with many concerned about their financial situation and the state of the economy.

Property Redress Scheme credits rise in complaints to increased membership

Property Redress Scheme credits rise in complaints to increased...

The number of complaints against its members has increased by 51% in 2019 the Property Redress Scheme has revealed. The latest stats, released by the Property Redress Scheme on an interactive website,

Broker Barometer

Broker Barometer...

Shawbrook’s most recent Broker Barometer has revealed that as the UK emerges from the coronavirus pandemic, broker confidence in business growth and in the lending environment remains high. Nearly two...

David Smith is the new Legal Counsel for the NRLA

David Smith is the new Legal Counsel for the NRLA...

Former RLA policy director David Smith has been announced as legal counsel for the National Residential Landlords Association (NRLA). David is a partner at JMW Solicitors in London, specialising in landlord...

Welsh government increases eviction notice from 3 to 6 months

Welsh government increases eviction notice from 3 to 6 months...

The Welsh government has announced a temporary increase in the notice period for eviction in private rented and housing association accommodation in Wales. The change means that unless a tenant is being...

144 days to sell a house in 2020

144 days to sell a house in 2020...

The latest research by, has revealed that so far this year, the time it takes to sell a property has increased by 14% when compared to last year. With an average time of 144 days or nearly...

Leasehold reform recommendations published

Leasehold reform recommendations published...

The Law Commission of England and Wales has published recommendations to transform home ownership. It has been estimated there are at least 4.3 million leasehold homes in England alone. If enacted our...

Fast track to add 2 more storeys

Fast track to add 2 more storeys...

New laws laid in Parliament (21 July 2020) will deliver much-needed new homes and revitalise town centres across England, Housing Secretary Robert Jenrick has announced. The new rules, which will come...

Housing Minister wants to give non-Covid related possession cases priority

Housing Minister wants to give non-Covid related possession cases...

Housing Minister, Christopher Pincher MP responded to a written question from Labour MP Helen Hayes regarding the eviction ban extension and confirmed again that the ban on possession cases would end on...

What will students want from their accommodation post-coronavirus?

What will students want from their accommodation post-coronavirus?

The coronavirus pandemic has disrupted almost every facet of society. For landlords and property owners, the disruptions have been significant, with many tenants facing furlough or redundancy and no way...

Temporary Welsh increase to nil rate band of LTT for main residences only

Temporary Welsh increase to nil rate band of LTT for main residences...

The Welsh Government has announced a temporary increase to the nil rate band of Land Transaction Tax (LTT) to £250,00 for main residence property transactions from 27th July 2020 until 31st March 2021.

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Thursday 14th July 2011

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