News Team

4 week eviction ban extension and 6 month minimum notice period

4 week eviction ban extension and 6 month minimum notice period...

Housing Secretary, Robert Jenrick, has bowed to pressure from all sides and extended the eviction ban in England by 4 weeks to the 20th September and increased the minimum notice period for renters to...

A blanket eviction ban extension is unacceptable

A blanket eviction ban extension is unacceptable...

Responding to the reports that the evictions ban will be extended to 20th September, Ben Beadle, CEO of the National Residential Landlords Association has said: “A blanket extension is unacceptable,

Prepare for changes to the repossession process post eviction ban

Prepare for changes to the repossession process post eviction...

As the ban on evictions comes to an end this month, letting agents are being warned to prepare for changes to the repossession process including a new pre-action protocol, a temporarily extended notice...

Belvoir backs calls for Government Tenant Loan Scheme

Belvoir backs calls for Government Tenant Loan Scheme...

Belvoir welcomes the adoption by the Welsh Government of proposals for a Government backed loan scheme for tenants who have accrued rent arrears due to the impact of coronavirus. Belvoir is also backing...

Suburban Taskforce calls for evidence

Suburban Taskforce calls for evidence...

The cross-party Suburban Taskforce has today launched a public ‘Call for Evidence’ to help chart a course towards a suburban renaissance across the country. The Taskforce draws politicians from both...

Buy to Let mortgage rates starting to increase

Buy to Let mortgage rates starting to increase...

With the stamp duty holiday having come into force a little over a month ago, the latest research from explores how the buy-to-let (BTL) mortgage market may react to a UK economy experiencing...

Facts behind the end of the eviction ban

Facts behind the end of the eviction ban...

On the 24th August, the courts will begin to hear cases related to the repossession of properties. This will come following a five-month suspension of such cases due to COVID-19. This period has caused...

Easy Access savings rates halved since pandemic lockdown

Easy Access savings rates halved since pandemic lockdown...

The Moneyfacts UK Savings Trends Treasury Report reveals that average savings rates have fallen for the fifth consecutive month. Since the start of March, the impact of the Coronavirus and subsequent base...

Rightmove House Price Index – July mini-boom

Rightmove House Price Index – July mini-boom...

Rightmove have released their House Price Index with a July mini-boom pushing prices to a record high. The average asking price for property coming to market has hit £320,625 which is £7,640 and 2.44%...

SAL dismayed by Nicola Sturgeons eviction ban announcement

SAL dismayed by Nicola Sturgeons eviction ban announcement...

The Scottish Association of Landlords (SAL) said they were dismayed by Nicola Sturgeon’s announcement that she wished to extend the tenant eviction ban until the end of March 2021 despite this having...

NRLA accuse Sadiq Khan of scaremongering

NRLA accuse Sadiq Khan of scaremongering...

The Mayor of London is causing needless fear for renters as he wrongly assumes that everyone in arrears due to COVID-19 is at threat of eviction. The national body representing landlords has accused the...

Housing Market recovery not expected to continue beyond Stamp Duty holiday

Housing Market recovery not expected to continue beyond Stamp...

The housing market gained momentum in July as the recovery continued, according to the July 2020 RICS UK Residential Survey. Anecdotal evidence suggests the Stamp Duty holiday, introduced from the 8th...

Nicola Sturgeon confirms intention to extend eviction ban to March next year

Nicola Sturgeon confirms intention to extend eviction ban to...

Responding to a question yesterday from Patrick Harvie, MSP and Scottish Greens’ co-leader, Nicola Sturgeon confirmed tenants should not be evicted for falling into arrears due to financial difficulties...

New Welsh £8 million Tenant Saver Loan scheme for PRS only

New Welsh £8 million Tenant Saver Loan scheme for PRS only...

Loans to pay off rent arrears built during the Covid -19 pandemic will now be available to tenants in Wales following a campaign by the National Residential Landlords Association (NRLA). The new £8 million...

Welsh government package of support for tenants including loan scheme

Welsh government package of support for tenants including loan...

The Welsh Government has provided a package of support to make sure as many people as possible facing financial hardship as a result of the coronavirus pandemic remain in their private rented homes, sustaining...

Scrapping rent cap bill demonstrates advantages of industry self-regulation

Scrapping rent cap bill demonstrates advantages of industry self-regulation...

The recent decision to scrap a bill to introduce a rent cap in Scotland demonstrates the difficulty of introducing lettings regulation amid ongoing uncertainty, while highlighting the advantages of industry-led...

Courts may adjourn possession cases without Covid-19 impact assessment

Courts may adjourn possession cases without Covid-19 impact assessment...

Over 95% of private tenants are paying their rent or have made an arrangement with their landlord to pay a lower rent or defer payment during the pandemic according to a new survey of tenants out today.

Evicted brothers revenge drive by shooting of Gateshead agents

Evicted brothers revenge drive by shooting of Gateshead agents...

The North East based ChronicleLive reported two brothers admitting affray and criminal damage in Newcastle Crown Court after opening fire with an air pistol shooting at the windows of a Gateshead estate...

Mini-boom drives house prices up 1.6% in July

Mini-boom drives house prices up 1.6% in July...

The August Halifax House Price Index has just been released showing the results of the Stamp Duty holiday with a sharp increase pushing prices to their highest ever levels in July at an average house price...

Properties selling for 95.8% of initial price expectation

Properties selling for 95.8% of initial price expectation...

The latest data release from, has revealed how the property market in England and Wales has performed over the last year when it comes to the percentage of asking price being achieved. GetAgent’s...

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Thursday 14th July 2011

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