News Team

Legal action against Government’s lockdown evictions ban

Legal action against Government’s lockdown evictions ban...

It’s been 10 months since the Government first had to react to the global pandemic, so the Lord Chancellor issuing a letter on 21 October 2020, rather than following usual legal procedures, to deal with...

Housing benefit causing young to choose between rent debt and health

Housing benefit causing young to choose between rent debt and...

Young people are being forced to choose between racking up rent debts and risking their health due to rules limiting what they can claim for housing benefit. Those under 35 who are now relying on benefit...

Property prices in areas of military significance

Property prices in areas of military significance...

Research by Benham and Reeves, has revealed that postcodes home to a part of our military history are also home to higher property prices when compared to the wider area. House price data in postcodes...

New normal has hit London rental market – Hometrack

New normal has hit London rental market – Hometrack...

The latest Hometrack Rental Market report for quarter 3 2020, based on data from Zoopla, is indicating that while annual rental incomes are on average for the whole of the UK up  1.7% the London market...

A spare room is now worth £1,000 more

A spare room is now worth £1,000 more...

Home Buying platform, Yes Homebuyers, has revealed the positive impact that a second lockdown could have on the value of your spare room, based on the increase in value as homebuyers scrambled to buy bigger...

Meet Mark Smith (Barrister-At-Law) Landlord tax planning strategies – PIN Edinburgh

Meet Mark Smith (Barrister-At-Law) Landlord tax planning strategies...

Our Hon. Legal Counsel, Mark Smith, Head of Chambers at Cotswold Barristers will be presenting an overview of several landlords tax strategies including special strategies for Scottish landlords at the...

£15 million for winter rough sleeping ‘Protect Programme’

£15 million for winter rough sleeping ‘Protect Programme’...

A further £15 million has been allocated to support the ongoing efforts to provide accommodation for rough sleepers during the pandemic. The ‘Protect Programme’ will help areas that need additional...

Government protections for renters over duration of national restrictions

Government protections for renters over duration of national...

Renters will be protected during the national restrictions, with no bailiff enforcement action. Measures, including the pause on evictions starting in December, mean evictions will not be enforced until...

Halifax thinks house prices will face a headwind

Halifax thinks house prices will face a headwind...

The Halifax House Price Index for October has just been released with a monthly increase of 0.3% and quarterly figures (August to October) a substantial 4.0% higher than in the preceding three months (May...

2nd online super-show a resounding success

2nd online super-show a resounding success...

We are delighted to announce our second online super-show on November 3rd was a resounding success. We delivered over 1200 minutes of highly focused and informative content: 50+ exhibitors and 40+ expert...

Welcome back Wales

Welcome back Wales...

The Welsh property market is to resumes from Monday, 9 November. Since 23 October, people in Wales have not been allowed to view properties, unless it was virtually, and they were not permitted to visit...

No enforcement of Possession Orders except for the most serious cases

No enforcement of Possession Orders except for the most serious...

In a letter to the High Court Enforcement Officers Association the Justice Secretary, Robert Buckland, has confirmed that during the lockdown there will be no enforcement of Possession Orders except for...

Retiree and ‘Mature’ renters fastest growing tenant segment of PRS

Retiree and ‘Mature’ renters fastest growing tenant...

Retiree renters and those in upper-middle age category are the fastest growing tenant groups in the private rented sector (PRS), analysis from Paragon Bank has found.  Paragon’s new report ‘The Growth...

Online Super-Show Tuesday 3rd November with over 1200 minutes of free content!

Online Super-Show Tuesday 3rd November with over 1200 minutes...

Over 2000 landlords took part in our inaugural online show for the Midland and Manchester areas on the 8th October. Now, our attention turns to the national show on Tuesday 3rd November where we are expecting...

Banks and building societies agree with regulators to extend mortgage holidays

Banks and building societies agree with regulators to extend...

Banks and building societies have agreed with regulators and HM Treasury to extend the provision of mortgage payment deferrals of up to a maximum of six months in the light of the tightened Covid-19 restrictions...

FCA confirm lockdown mortgage support

FCA confirm lockdown mortgage support...

To support borrowers affected by the new emergency lockdown the FCA will propose that consumer credit customers who have not yet had a payment deferral under the July guidance can request one. The deferred...

Furlough scheme and mortgage holidays extended plus additional business grants

Furlough scheme and mortgage holidays extended plus additional...

Chancellor, Rishi Sunak, confirmed the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme has been extended for a month with employees receiving 80% of their current salary for hours not worked along with further economic...

Jenrick confirms Housing Market will stay open

Jenrick confirms Housing Market will stay open...

Although there has been no official guidance on any government website or press release yet, Housing Secretary Robert Jenrick, has announced yesterday by Twitter that the Housing Market will remain open...

Sharp recovery of mortgage approvals

Sharp recovery of mortgage approvals...

The latest Bank of England statistics for money and credit in September indicate the mortgage market strengthened further from its recover post lockdown. Net an additional £4.8 billion was borrowed secured...

5.8% annual house price growth at 5 year high

5.8% annual house price growth at 5 year high...

The Nationwide House Price index just released for October is showing annual house price growth rising to 5.8%, the highest rate since January 2015. House prices on a month-on-month basis, after taking...

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Thursday 14th July 2011

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