News Team

Banning repossessions does nothing to keep tenants in their homes long term

Banning repossessions does nothing to keep tenants in their homes...

Over 800,000 private renters in England and Wales have built rent arrears since lockdown measures began according to new research published today. A survey of tenants for the National Residential Landlords...

2nd home Stamp Duty Surcharged increased 1% overnight in Wales

2nd home Stamp Duty Surcharged increased 1% overnight in Wales...

In the draft budget, on 21 December 2020, the Welsh Government announced changes to the higher residential rates, and non-residential rates and bands, of Land Transaction Tax (LTT). The higher residential...

A Rollercoaster year

A Rollercoaster year...

Hometrack have released their latest House Price Index confirming their latest data for November indicating it has been a rollercoaster of a year with demand set to be up 33% compared to December 2019.

Councils to receive £47 million increase to tackle homelessness

Councils to receive £47 million increase to tackle homelessness...

Councils will receive additional government support to prevent vulnerable people from becoming homeless. £310 million will be targeted at areas with high numbers of homeless people, those at risk...

High Court enforcement action against Liverpool City Council

High Court enforcement action against Liverpool City Council...

High Court enforcement action is currently underway against Liverpool City Council and enforcement officers entered the council’s Cunard building at 10am Friday morning with allegedly dozens and...

£30m fund to end excessive waking watch costs for leaseholders in high-rise buildings

£30m fund to end excessive waking watch costs for leaseholders...

The government has announced a £30 million fund to help end the scandal of excessive waking watch costs, as part of a further move to support thousands of residents in high-rise buildings. The new Waking...

Private landlords have done everything they can to support renters

Private landlords have done everything they can to support renters...

Private landlords have been giving more help to tenants who cannot pay their rent as a result of Covid-19 than those in the social sector according to the English Housing Survey published today. Since...

Buyers may pull the plug if they miss Stamp Duty Holiday

Buyers may pull the plug if they miss Stamp Duty Holiday...

Thousands of homebuyers will pull the plug on their deals as a result of the stamp duty holiday not being extended. Around a third (31%) said they would very likely cancel their planned move if they had...

More landlords keeping rents down during pandemic

More landlords keeping rents down during pandemic...

ARLA Propertymark’s Private Rented Sector (PRS) report has confirmed that the number of landlords not increasing rents for tenants during the pandemic emergency has again fallen for the third month in...

New Welsh regulations to suspend evictions this Christmas

New Welsh regulations to suspend evictions this Christmas...

The Welsh Government has agreed measures to suspend evictions from social and private rented accommodation between December 11 and January 11 this year as part of its response to tackling the spread of...

Lives blighted by the housing emergency and lack of social homes

Lives blighted by the housing emergency and lack of social homes...

A new report from Shelter indicates 253,000 people in England are homeless and living in temporary accommodation during the pandemic, which is the highest figure for 14 years. Rising homelessness is already...

Cities will be encouraged to plan for more family homes

Cities will be encouraged to plan for more family homes...

Following a consultation launched in the summer that sought views from planners, councils and the wider public, the government has announced its plan for enabling the delivery of more homes across England.

Government does not plan to extend Stamp Duty Holiday

Government does not plan to extend Stamp Duty Holiday...

The Government has responded to the petition – ‘Extend the Stamp Duty Holiday for an additional 6 months after 31st March 2021.’ Click Here It does not seem intent on extending the relief...

Rightmove forecast 4% house price growth in 2021

Rightmove forecast 4% house price growth in 2021...

Rightmove has forecasted an average 4% house price growth in 2021. The unexpectedly high market momentum of 2020 despite the pandemic and its economic fallout continues, and although uncertainties remain,

Additional assistance for rough sleepers with drug and alcohol dependency

Additional assistance for rough sleepers with drug and alcohol...

Rough sleepers across England will receive extra support to help them recover from drug and alcohol misuse, Minister for Rough Sleeping and Housing, Kelly Tolhurst MP announced. Forty-three areas across...

24% of furloughed have fallen behind on essential bills or rent

24% of furloughed have fallen behind on essential bills or rent...

14% of people have fallen behind on essential bills including energy, water, mobile phone and broadband bills, council tax, rent or mortgage payments the equivalent of seven million people in the UK, according...

Savings rates fall to their lowest levels on record

Savings rates fall to their lowest levels on record...

Moneyfacts UK Savings Trends Treasury Report data, not yet published, reveals that interest rates have dipped to record lows across the savings spectrum. This month the average easy access rate fell to...

The business evictions ban is extended until end March 2021

The business evictions ban is extended until end March 2021...

The Communities Secretary, Robert Jenrick, announced business owners affected by the pandemic will be protected from eviction until the end of March 2021. This final extension to protections from the threat...

How to Rent guide updated by MHCLG

How to Rent guide updated by MHCLG...

The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government has today (10/12/2020) updated the How to Rent guide: Click here to download. The statutory requirement is for a tenant to be provided with the...

Covid-19 will redraw the UK rental map

Covid-19 will redraw the UK rental map...

As the government prepares to roll out the first coronavirus vaccines, much of the nation will be anticipating a return to a more ‘normal’ life in 2021, but for London’s housing market there may...

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Thursday 14th July 2011

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