News Team

Post Covid Staycation boom could be taxing

Post Covid Staycation boom could be taxing...

Soaring demand for holiday lets as the UK plans for a ‘staycation summer’ is driving inquiries for tax advice from customers considering buying a second property, Handelsbanken Wealth Management (HWM)...

DPS index shows overall resilience in rental market

DPS index shows overall resilience in rental market...

London rents increased for the first time for over a year during Q1 2021 increasing by £8 or 0.61% to £1,325, suggesting the city’s rental market has started to stabilise during the coronavirus...

PM advertises prospective tenants with animals will be ‘considered’

PM advertises prospective tenants with animals will be ‘considered’...

Dog loving Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, has advertised his Oxfordshire cottage for rent at £4,250 a month with the listing confirming prospective tenants with animals will be ‘considered’. It remains...

New builds as a percentage of total market transactions

New builds as a percentage of total market transactions...

StripeHomes, analysed the Land Registry Price Paid data records to see where the new-build sector was adding the most value to the national property market both in terms of the sum of new-build property...

Rent controls make no sense with real terms costs falling in London

Rent controls make no sense with real terms costs falling in...

Rent controls called for by Sadiq Khan would leave tenants across London worse off. Figures show that private rents have fallen every year in real terms throughout his time at City Hall and are now nearly...

Staycations drive Holiday BTL choice

Staycations drive Holiday BTL choice...

The impact of the lockdown and lack of opportunity for international travel may well have incited consumers to consider staycations and, for those who are able to invest, a holiday let could seem appealing.

Latest updated guidance for Electrical Safety Standards in the PRS

Latest updated guidance for Electrical Safety Standards in the...

From 1 April 2021 the Regulations for Electrical Safety Standards apply in all cases where a private tenant has a right to occupy a property as their only or main residence and pays rent. This includes...

2% Stamp Duty surcharge for non-UK residents from 1st April

2% Stamp Duty surcharge for non-UK residents from 1st April...

From 1 April 2021, a 2% Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT) surcharge will apply to purchasers of residential property in England and Northern Ireland who are not resident in the UK. Click Here The 2% surcharge...

New polymer £50 note from 23rd June

New polymer £50 note from 23rd June...

The new polymer £50 note will be issued for the first time on 23 June 2021, which coincides with Alan Turing’s birthday. The note contains advanced security features, completing our most secure set...

March house prices down 0.2% month-on-month

March house prices down 0.2% month-on-month...

The latest Nationwide House Price Index for March with prices down 0.2% month–on–month, after taking account of seasonal factors. Commenting on the figures, Robert Gardner, Nationwide’s...

What can tenants do about noisy neighbours?

What can tenants do about noisy neighbours?

Many people have spent more time than ever before at home over the last year. Some have been trying to work from home with children, dogs and cats to look after. And what of the neighbours? Perhaps your...

MPs call for urgent rent debts action welcomed

MPs call for urgent rent debts action welcomed...

Responding to a report published today by MPs on the Housing, Communities and Local Government Select Committee on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the private rented sector, Ben Beadle, Chief Executive...

FOI to assess noise complaints by city

FOI to assess noise complaints by city... has conducted Freedom of Information requests to the 100 biggest cities in the UK to find out the number of noise complaints over the last 12 months, to find out who has the loudest neighbours.

BTL rates up but so is choice

BTL rates up but so is choice... highlights a growth in choice of Buy-to-Let (BTL) product options, but warns that interest rates are on the rise. For the fifth consecutive month, BTL availability has continued to improve;...

Student rental demand returning?

Student rental demand returning?

As students look to secure a place to live ahead of the new academic year UniHomes researches which areas are showing the highest level of tenant demand. The Student Rental Hotspots Index looks at the...

Green Homes Grant applications canned after 31st March

Green Homes Grant applications canned after 31st March...

The troubled Green Homes Grant Scheme will be closed for new applications after the 31st March this year as announced quietly by the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy. Following...

One year on from the first ban on the repossession of rented homes

One year on from the first ban on the repossession of rented...

One year on from the first ban on the repossession of rented homes, new analysis shows that more tenants are likely to lose their homes in the long term as a result. Research for the National Residential...

HM Treasury ‘Tax Consultation Day’ – Nothing on CGT or Stamp

HM Treasury ‘Tax Consultation Day’ – Nothing...

HM Treasury has published more than 30 tax updates, consultations and documents to, as they declare, ‘strengthen policymaking and modernise the UK tax system’. Click here to read the Command...

Councils given power to build more homes

Councils given power to build more homes...

Councils in England will have more freedom on how they spend the money from homes sold through Right to Buy, to help them build the homes needed in their communities, under reforms announced 20 March 2021...

Home building figures pick up

Home building figures pick up...

The number of homes being built since the lifting of the first period of national coronavirus restrictions continues to rise, latest housebuilding figures published show. New data shows new housing starts...

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Thursday 14th July 2011

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