News Team

Six agents excluded from The Property Ombudsman

Six agents excluded from The Property Ombudsman...

Between July and September (inclusive), six agents were excluded from The Property Ombudsman (TPO) for failing to pay compensatory awards. The excluded agents include: Ivory and Hatton, a sales and lettings...

Recent three-month downward trend in annual growth reversed

Recent three-month downward trend in annual growth reversed...

The latest Halifax House price index has indicated annual house price inflation has increased from last month to 7.4%, up from 7.2% with the average UK property price now at a record £267,587. Wales and...

End 5 week UC wait and pay housing element directly to landlords

End 5 week UC wait and pay housing element directly to landlords...

Today the Government will go ahead with a planned cut to Universal Credit of £20 per week. The level of welfare support had been increased in light of the impact of the pandemic on household incomes.

Muslim Charity Increases Housing Grant by 50%

Muslim Charity Increases Housing Grant by 50%...

In response to the recent change in renting law, UK Muslim Charity, National Zakat Foundation (NZF), are introducing a Covid recovery scheme to support those at risk of eviction. The charity which collects...

Rental demand in cities strengthens as workers return

Rental demand in cities strengthens as workers return...

Research by Barrows and Forrester, has revealed that rental demand has continued to climb across the vast majority of major UK cities during Q3, as a slow but steady return to the workplace, amongst other...

Understanding the possession action process – Guide updated 1st Oct 2021

Understanding the possession action process – Guide updated...

Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities has updated its guide to Understanding the possession action process for private landlords in England and Wales: Click Here This guide will help you...

Pay Less Property Tax presentation by Mark Smith (Barrister-At-Law) – Titans event 14th October

Pay Less Property Tax presentation by Mark Smith (Barrister-At-Law)...

Hon. Legal Counsel, Mark Smith, Head of Chambers at Cotswold Barristers will be presenting, ‘Are you paying too much tax on your property rental business? Business structures for Landlords’...

Lichfield Council need more private homes and offering Landlords up to 6 months rent in advance

Lichfield Council need more private homes and offering Landlords...

Lichfield District Council in Staffordshire are offering landlords up to six months rent in advance if they lease one or more homes to Spring housing association in a bid to help people who are sleeping...

£50 or the reasonable costs?

£50 or the reasonable costs?

A recent Tribunal between estate agent Ludlow Thompson v Tenant has ruled that a charge of £393.54 to cover costs of changing the tenant was unreasonable. According to the Tenant Fees Act 2019 (TFA) a...

Annual house price growth remains in double figures

Annual house price growth remains in double figures...

The Nationwide House Price Index for September shows annual house price growth has eased back to 10.0%, from 11.0% in August with prices little changed month-on-month, after taking account of seasonal...

That Cockroach time of year!

That Cockroach time of year!

Heating ducts and pipes can be prime spots for cockroaches as the heating goes on in the autumn the British Pest Control Association (BPCA) has warned and issued a guide with advice on preventing the warmth-loving...

Complimentary entry – The Property Investor Show 15 & 16 October at ExCeL London

Complimentary entry – The Property Investor Show 15 &...

The Property Investor Show is the largest, longest-running and most respected property investment expo presented in the UK and after a Covid-enforced absence is delighted to return to ExCeL London on 15...

Landlord Action reports eviction instructions up 43% versus pre-pandemic

Landlord Action reports eviction instructions up 43% versus pre-pandemic...

Landlord Action, one of the UK’s best-known eviction and housing law specialists, has seen a 43% rise in instructions from landlords and letting agents between 1 June 2021, when the eviction ban...

Labour would fix the housing crisis?

Labour would fix the housing crisis?

In her Labour Party Conference Speech, Lucy Powell, Shadow Secretary of State for Housing, said that she sees housing as very much a public health issue. Lucy wants to tackle what she perceives as issues...

BTL product choice is still increasing

BTL product choice is still increasing...

There are now more Buy-to-let (BTL) products available today than on offer in March 2020, before the impact of the pandemic was felt across the sector, according to the latest data from

Labour the party of home ownership?

Labour the party of home ownership?

Before the Labour Party conference, Lucy Powell, Shadow housing secretary said: “Labour is the party of homeownership, the Tories are the party of speculators and developers. They treat housing as a...

The Launch of Self-Regulation Within The Property Education Sector

The Launch of Self-Regulation Within The Property Education Sector...

The Property Investors Bureau is pleased to have hosted its first physical event for the Property Educators Accreditation Scheme’s members and key stakeholders. It was a launch event held at the prestigious...

Welsh government extends 6 months notice to 31st December 2021

Welsh government extends 6 months notice to 31st December 2021...

The Minister for Climate Change has confirmed the regulations under paragraphs 1(2) and 14(1) of Schedule 29 to the 2020 Act have been extended until 31 December 2021. Six months’ notice is required...

Treat us fairly

Treat us fairly...

Following Michael Gove‘s appointment as Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities the property industry is still considering how warmly to receive the new postholder. A new survey...

Lloyds Banking Group aims to become the UK’s largest private landlord hedging against inflation

Lloyds Banking Group aims to become the UK’s largest private...

Lloyds Banking Group has launched a new brand, Citra Living, through which to pursue its aim of becoming the UK’s largest private landlord. The banking giant plans to purchase 50,000 properties over...

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Thursday 14th July 2011

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