News Team

Levelling the playing field for Peer-to-Peer Islamic Finance alternatives

Levelling the playing field for Peer-to-Peer Islamic Finance...

Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) has made a welcome announcement as part of their ‘Building a trusted, modern tax administration system’, a principle first heralded by the government in July...

Office of Tax Simplification CGT review put on ice by the Treasury

Office of Tax Simplification CGT review put on ice by the Treasury...

Chancellor, Rishi Sunak, commissioned a report from the Office of Tax Simplification (OTS) to look at ways of simplifying the collection of Capital Gains Tax and IHT. The OTS had recommended in the report...

Social housing delivery was on the increase pre-pandemic

Social housing delivery was on the increase pre-pandemic...

Market analysis by real estate debt advisory specialists, Sirius Property Finance, has revealed that the level of social housing being built not only hit a 13 year high prior to the outbreak of COVID-19...

1,000 a day contact Shelter

1,000 a day contact Shelter...

The Shelter press release below is critical of the winding down of the evictions ban and living costs inflation: Since the Covid restrictions began to lift in June 2021, more than 1,000 callers a day have...

Annual house price growth back into double digits but outlook still uncertain

Annual house price growth back into double digits but outlook...

The Nationwide House Price Index for November is indicating that annual growth has recovered back to 10.0% and up 0.9% month-on-month with the average house price now standing at £252,687. Commenting...

NRLA welcome Welsh government plan to end homelessness

NRLA welcome Welsh government plan to end homelessness...

The NRLA has welcomed the Welsh Government’s announcement of a new £30 million funding pot as part of a plan to end homelessness. Local authorities are expected to be able to use this funding to support...

PRS pandemic impact report

PRS pandemic impact report...

As 2021 draws to a close, Belvoir’s pandemic report reveals the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic on the UK rental market. “Earlier this year Belvoir commissioned property expert Kate Faulkner to...

Welsh government to encourage PRS to lease to local authorities to prevent homelessness

Welsh government to encourage PRS to lease to local authorities...

The Welsh Government will announce a new £30million funding pot over five years for local authorities. Under the Private Rented Sector Leasing Scheme, private property owners will be encouraged to lease...

Lisa Nandy reshuffled as replacement Shadow Housing Secretary

Lisa Nandy reshuffled as replacement Shadow Housing Secretary...

Lisa Nandy MP for Wigan has replaced Lucy Powell on Labours front bench after only being in the role since May as the new Shadow Secretary of State for the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities.

Short-term lets licensing scheme across Scotland to start 1st Oct 2022

Short-term lets licensing scheme across Scotland to start 1st...

Foreword below by Shona Robison MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice, Housing and Local Government. Click here to see full details of the consultation We are legislating to establish a short-term...

Ministry of Justice Consultation to enhance legal support for those facing eviction or repossession

Ministry of Justice Consultation to enhance legal support for...

The Ministry of Justice 8 week consultation sets out a new approach to the delivery of legal aid for housing possession proceedings. The proposed changes will improve access to legal aid for anyone at...

Mismatch between supply and demand

Mismatch between supply and demand...

Demand for private rental housing is at an all-time high, according to new research being published by the National Residential Landlords Association.  A survey of private landlords across England and...

New Homes Ombudsman scheme to be run by TDS

New Homes Ombudsman scheme to be run by TDS...

The Dispute Service (TDS) has been chosen by the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities to run the New Homes Ombudsman scheme, which will provide dispute resolution, and determine complaints...

The Property Investors Awards team are delighted to announce the winners for 2021

The Property Investors Awards team are delighted to announce...

With celebrations usually consisting of an illustrious evening of fine dining and entertainment to announce the winners, this year announcements were made virtually. It has never been more important to...

Reviewing the results of another demand focussed government initiative is the property market equivalent of Groundhog Day

Reviewing the results of another demand focussed government initiative...

Research by, has highlighted how huge levels of buyer demand spurred by the stamp duty holiday impacted property prices. Last week, the government released its latest house price index providing...

Finally parity for Social housing and PRS fire and carbon monoxide safety

Finally parity for Social housing and PRS fire and carbon monoxide...

It’s been an incredible double standard to date, but finally, people living in social housing will be safer in their homes under new rules that will mean smoke alarms must be fitted in all rented...

These figures dispel the myth peddled

These figures dispel the myth peddled...

The number of repossession cases in the courts involving landlords using Section 21, ‘no explanation’ notices have plummeted over the past two years. A new analysis of government data shows that in...

Stamp Duty holiday stimulated Buy-to-Let purchases in the South

Stamp Duty holiday stimulated Buy-to-Let purchases in the South...

London, the South East and the South West led the jump in buy-to-let house purchases during the Stamp Duty holiday, analysis by Paragon Bank has revealed. Comparing the period when landlords received the...

LIBOR is dead long live SONIA

LIBOR is dead long live SONIA...

Precise Mortgages are now writing to their Buy-to-Let borrowers, confirming any current mortgages based on LIBOR will have their interest recalculated to 3-month term SONIA (Sterling Overnight Index Average).

Inflation taking its toll on your cash reserves

Inflation taking its toll on your cash reserves...

The savings market has seen some top-rate accounts improving since last month, but not on shorter-term fixed bonds. However, inflation continues to take its toll on the true spending power cash. The latest...

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Thursday 14th July 2011

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