News Team

New build standards will require a 30% reduction in CO2 emissions

New build standards will require a 30% reduction in CO2 emissions...

New homes and buildings in England will have to produce significantly less CO2 under new rules announced by the government to help the country move towards net-zero. Under the new regulations, CO2 emissions...

All landlords are property tycoons with deep pockets?

All landlords are property tycoons with deep pockets?

Proposals to force landlords across the country to pay up to £10,000 to improve the energy efficiency of rental properties requires a rethink, according to the national body for landlords. In a consultation...

HM Land Registry October house Price Index

HM Land Registry October house Price Index...

The HM Land Registry House Price Index released today for October is indicating the average price of a property in the UK is now £268,349 up 10.2% from last year. Month-on-month October saw prices actual...

The Landlord Law 20th Anniversary

The Landlord Law 20th Anniversary...

There are few online services which go back longer than about 10 years or so – but Landlord Law is one of the exceptions!  It was started way back in 2001 by solicitor Tessa Shepperson. Just after...

Landlords who agreed tenancies via Purplebricks could be liable for large tenant payouts

Landlords who agreed tenancies via Purplebricks could be liable...

Hi, my name is Melissa Lawford, and I am the property correspondent at The Telegraph. I’m writing about how landlords who arranged tenancies via Purplebricks could now have to make large payouts...

Tenants spending their own money on improvements as they have more time at home

Tenants spending their own money on improvements as they have...

New research reveals over a third (34%) of renters have spent money doing up their landlords’ properties, with almost one in seven (14%) of them having spent over £1,000 each. This is driven mainly...

Rightmove predict a closer to Normal 2022

Rightmove predict a closer to Normal 2022...

Rightmove has released its House Price Index for December with the price of property coming to market seeing its usual December dip, down by 0.7% (-£2,234) this month. While fully available stock for...

76% of councils report an increase in landlords selling up and warn of increased waiting lists

76% of councils report an increase in landlords selling up and...

Councils warned today of a growing crisis in the private rented housing sector, with a sharp rise in landlords selling up or converting their properties into Airbnb’s. The District Councils’ Network...

Government updated plan B – Moving home during coronavirus

Government updated plan B – Moving home during coronavirus...

This guidance provides advice to those working within the home buying and selling process and those moving home. Read it alongside the guidance on what you should do to keep safe. Following the emergence...

2021 Buy to Let purchase activity increasing to £18bn up 83% on 2020

2021 Buy to Let purchase activity increasing to £18bn up 83%...

UK Finance has published its housing and mortgage market forecasts for 2022 and 2023 together with projections for 2021 full year numbers. The Headlines are: An estimate that gross lending overall will...

National Audit Office – PRS regulation report critical of government’s lack of planning

National Audit Office – PRS regulation report critical...

The National Audit Office has produced a report to consider the extent to which the regulation of private renting in England supports the Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities aim to ensure...

NRLA calling for development of a meaningful national redress scheme

NRLA calling for development of a meaningful national redress...

Responding to the National Audit Office report published today on the regulation of the private rented sector, Ben Beadle, Chief Executive of the National Residential Landlords Association, said: “Regulation...

Son lives in parents property wanting to rent out a room?

Son lives in parents property wanting to rent out a room?

Hi all,  a quick question: I’ve got a landlord (Mr and Mrs) who live in Wales and who own a property in the Midlands. I’ve been speaking to the son who lives in the property his parents own and the...

Rents are anticipated to increase firmly over the near term

Rents are anticipated to increase firmly over the near term...

RICS have today released their UK Residential Market Survey current up to November 2021. In the lettings market, tenant demand saw another solid monthly increase in November with a net balance of +48%...

Shelter – “We predicted the pandemic would trigger a rising tide of evictions”

Shelter – “We predicted the pandemic would trigger...

Research released by Shelter in their press release today indicates more than 274,000 people are homeless in England right now, including 126,000 children and goes on to say: Analysis of official rough-sleeping...

Cost of Property maintenance increased 17% this winter

Cost of Property maintenance increased 17% this winter...

Market analysis, by Benham and Reeves, has revealed how the cost of maintaining our homes this winter is as much as 17% higher than it was this time last year. They researched the average cost of maintaining...

Tenants in arrears are falling further behind

Tenants in arrears are falling further behind...

Average rent debts still owed by renters as a result of the pandemic have increased by 41% since May according to new research. A survey of over 2,000 private renters in England and Wales by research consultancy...

November house prices up 8.2% year-on-year

November house prices up 8.2% year-on-year...

The latest Halifax House Price Index for November is showing annual price inflation at 8.2%, a monthly increase of 1% and the new UK average house value standing at £272,992. The average house price in...

UKALA welcomes parity ruling for safety in all rented accommodation

UKALA welcomes parity ruling for safety in all rented accommodation...

The UK Association of Letting Agents (UKALA) has applauded the announcement by Housing Minister Eddie Hughes MP that people living in social housing will be safer in their homes under new rules that will...

Smaller Liverpool Licensing scheme approved for 2022

Smaller Liverpool Licensing scheme approved for 2022...

After having the renewal of the city-wide Liverpool selective licensing scheme rejected by the government in 2019, Liverpool council have been successful with a smaller scheme covering 16 wards of the...

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Thursday 14th July 2011

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