News Team

Lenders keen to cater for First Time Landlords

Lenders keen to cater for First Time Landlords...

The choice of buy-to-let deals available to first-time landlords (FTL) has grown at a time when demand is rife for rental properties, according to the most recent research by As product...

Existing Decent Homes Standard is not the right vehicle

Existing Decent Homes Standard is not the right vehicle...

Responding to proposals in the Government’s ‘Levelling Up’ White Paper that private rented homes will be required to meet the Decent Homes Standard, Ben Beadle, Chief Executive of the National Residential...

Levelling Up White Paper – S21 abolished – Landlord register – Decent homes standard

Levelling Up White Paper – S21 abolished – Landlord...

Section 21 ‘no fault’ evictions will further be abolished, ending the unfair situation where renters can be kicked out of their homes for no reason. We will consult on introducing a landlords register,

Landlord Action launches rebrand

Landlord Action launches rebrand...

Today, eviction and housing law specialist, Landlord Action, launches a new visual identity to celebrate the transformation of the business over the years and to support its expansion as it moves to offer...

January house price inflation at 11.2%

January house price inflation at 11.2%...

The latest January Nationwide House price index is reporting the strongest start to a year since 2005 with inflation running at 11.2% up from 10.4% in December with January prices up 0.8% month-on-month.

Ending ground rents for new, qualifying long residential leasehold properties

Ending ground rents for new, qualifying long residential leasehold...

Leasehold reform in motion with the first groundbreaking leaseholder reforms becoming legislation, ending ground rents for new, qualifying long residential leasehold properties. Independent Buying Agents,

Happy Tax Day, BUT NOT FOR ALL

Happy Tax Day, BUT NOT FOR ALL...

If you are a private (unincorporated) landlord, 31st January 2022 was the last day to pay your tax on your rental profits for the 2020/21 tax year without incurring penalty interest. Were you shocked at...

Avoid potential problems as a result of pending carbon monoxide safety legislation

Avoid potential problems as a result of pending carbon monoxide...

UKALA has cautioned Landlords and letting agents to act now to avoid potential problems following the announcement that the government intends to pass legislation to extend the requirement to install carbon...

Lenders catering for staycation BTL demand

Lenders catering for staycation BTL demand...

Consumers looking to take out a holiday let loan to satisfy a rise in demand for UK holidays will find a notable rise in product choice since 2020. According to analysis by, there are...

Ome launches new portal

Ome launches new portal...

Ome is today launching a new platform for its members which will further improve the overall experience of deposit free renting and the customer journey for Ome’s Deposit Replacement members. The innovative...

Court of Appeal rules in favour of Landlords and Agents in precedent setting eviction case

Court of Appeal rules in favour of Landlords and Agents in precedent...

The Court of Appeal in the case of NORTHWOOD (SOLIHULL) LIMITED and VICKY COOKE has found in favour of the Landlord and Agent: Click here to read the full judgement. The Solihull branch of agency chain...

The pandemic has exacerbated a supply crisis now facing tenants

The pandemic has exacerbated a supply crisis now facing tenants...

23% of private landlords faced rental income losses as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. With those landlords affected almost twice as likely to sell property as those who were not, the National Residential...

Buy to Let product choice on the increase

Buy to Let product choice on the increase...

As house prices continue to rise, demand for rental properties may well remain strong. The latest data from outlines what landlords and those interested in investing in the sector may...

87% of purchase price and 100% of development costs – HMO Case Study

87% of purchase price and 100% of development costs – HMO Case...

Luke Casey, one of Property118’s recommended finance broker team has recently structured a bespoke development loan to provide 87% of the purchase price on day one along with the entire build costs on...

Universal Credit cuts hit landlords

Universal Credit cuts hit landlords...

9% of private landlords renting to Universal Credit claimants have experienced at least one tenant having difficulties paying their rent post the Government cut to Universal Credit by £20 a week following...

Supply shortage holding back housing market and pushing inflation

Supply shortage holding back housing market and pushing inflation...

A continued shortage of new properties being listed for sale, despite a rise in new buyer enquiries, is still preventing a pick-up in sales volumes and house prices continue to increase, according to the...

How to make £3k to £5k profit per month from your next property

How to make £3k to £5k profit per month from your next property...

Join Simon live on Thursday 20th January where you can learn all about how to make £3,000 t0 £5000 profit per month from your next property. Please click here In this live 90-minute Master Class you...

commercial demonstrates an impressive bounce back

commercial demonstrates an impressive bounce back...

Market analysis Sirius Property Finance reveals that the Uk’s commercial property sector has demonstrated an impressive bounce back in the last year, with even the supposedly struggling retail and office...

Tight supply increases rents across most regions during Q4 2021

Tight supply increases rents across most regions during Q4 2021...

Average UK rents have increased for the fifth consecutive quarter as pressure on the supply of rental homes continues during the pandemic, according to The Deposit Protection Service (The DPS) –...

Applications To Join Property Educators Accreditation Scheme (PEAS)

Applications To Join Property Educators Accreditation Scheme...

The following applicants have completed the first stage of the process in becoming members of PEAS and are now in their six month probation period. During their probation period, anyone can submit objections...

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Thursday 14th July 2011

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