News Team

Proportion of landlords reporting increasing tenant demand reaches high of 62%

Proportion of landlords reporting increasing tenant demand reaches...

Research undertaken on behalf of Paragon Bank has revealed that the strong tenant demand seen during last year has continued into 2022 after growing to the highest level recorded since 2011, when research...

RICS compensation claim guidence for loss of light

RICS compensation claim guidence for loss of light...

Homeowners left in the shadows by neighbouring sheds, fences and home extensions could claim for compensation or have them removed – help for these homeowners is set out in a new consumer guide published...

Tips to make a property more cost efficient

Tips to make a property more cost efficient...

Uk searches for “energy saving tips” have seen a 175% increase in the past 12 months, and after global gas prices resulted in an energy price cap rise of 54%, GTSE has revealed seven ways to help make...

Supreme Court rejects gas safety certificate appeal request

Supreme Court rejects gas safety certificate appeal request...

The tenants in the Recarrell v Rouncefield case, who lost their appeal at the High Court, have now had their bid to have the case heard at the Supreme Court declined on the basis that it was not a point...

Housing market supply still short despite spring boost

Housing market supply still short despite spring boost...

The latest RICS Residential Market Survey reports the number of new homes listed for sale has risen for the first time in twelve months with the start of spring, this despite ongoing caution over the rising...

£5 billion agreement with major developers to fund building safety repairs

£5 billion agreement with major developers to fund building...

The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities and Michael Gove have revealed an agreement that will see industry contribute £5 billion to address the building safety scandal. Michael Gove has...

House of Commons Committee report – Regulation of private renting

House of Commons Committee report – Regulation of private...

The House of Commons Committee have today 13th April 2022 released their report investigating the regulation of the Private Rental Sector (PRS). This includes recommendations to the government that they...

We agree with Committee’s concerns about postcode lottery tackling criminal landlords

We agree with Committee’s concerns about postcode lottery tackling...

Responding to the publication today of the Public Accounts Committee’s report on the regulation of the private rented sector, Ben Beadle, Chief Executive of the National Residential Landlords Association,

Homes for Ukraine sponsors will not lose council tax discounts

Homes for Ukraine sponsors will not lose council tax discounts...

Households who become sponsors through the Homes for Ukraine scheme will not lose their council tax discounts thanks to legislation coming into force, Minister for Refugees Lord Harrington has confirmed...

Treasury to recognise Stablecoins and develop Cryptoasset strategy

Treasury to recognise Stablecoins and develop Cryptoasset strategy...

The Treasury has announced moves to recognise ‘Stablecoins’ as a valid form of payment and part of wider plans to make Britain a global hub for Cryptoasset technology and investment. This is...

32% of sales agreed fell through as market becomes more cautious

32% of sales agreed fell through as market becomes more cautious...

32% of property sales fell through before completion between January and March of this year, according to new figures from Quick Move Now. Of the sales that failed, 25% fell through because the buyer struggled...

No-one should be criminalised simply for having nowhere to live

No-one should be criminalised simply for having nowhere to live...

The government is set to repeal the Vagrancy Act which has been in place since 1824 making it an offence to sleep rough or beg in England and Wales. Begging is harmful to those involved and can have a...

House price growth records unlikely to last

House price growth records unlikely to last...

The latest Halifax House Price index reports March recorded the biggest monthly increase since September last year with house price growth of 1.4%. The average property price has now reached £282,753,

HMO market values still holding up despite regulation headwinds

HMO market values still holding up despite regulation headwinds...

Market analysis from Octane Capital, has revealed that the current market value of Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs) currently sits above wider market values, suggesting that new licensing laws have...

Tables turned on Acorn

Tables turned on Acorn...

Sheffield landlord, Mrs Zobia Rafique, has settled her legal case for harassment, defamation and breach of data rights against pressure group The Association of Community Organisations for Reform Now (ACORN).

New Right to Rent Code of Practice

New Right to Rent Code of Practice...

The Home Office has issued guidance for landlords, and letting agents on the introduction of new Right to Rent immigration checks coming into force today 6th April 2022. Click here From 6 April 2022, landlords...

Updating RICS guidence for lenders to assist borrowers affected by Cladding issues

Updating RICS guidence for lenders to assist borrowers affected...

In a joint statement with UK Finance and the Building Societies Association (BSA), RICS has issued new guidance to lenders to clarify the current lending position for properties with fire safety issues...

Ftashare tenants most worried about rental increases during cost of living crisis

Ftashare tenants most worried about rental increases during cost...

New data from SpareRoom reveals 96% of renters are concerned about the rising cost of living with the cost of rent (86%), increasing energy bills (84%) and the price of a weekly shop (68%) tenants’ main...

Unfreeze the Local Housing Allowance to cover average rent

Unfreeze the Local Housing Allowance to cover average rent...

Over half of private tenants relying on Universal Credit to pay their rent have a shortfall between the amount they receive and what they pay for their housing. It comes a year after the Government froze...

Detached property prices have performed best through the pandemic

Detached property prices have performed best through the pandemic...

The latest Nationwide House Price Index shows UK house price growth surged to its highest level since 2004. Annual house price growth in March increased to 14.3%, from 12.6% in February with Wales remaining...

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Thursday 14th July 2011

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