News Team

House prices up for the 10th consecutive month but are the brakes about to be applied?

House prices up for the 10th consecutive month but are the brakes...

The latest Halifax House Price Index figures indicate House prices increased for the tenth consecutive month by 1.1% in April, the longest run since 2016. House prices are up £47,568 over the last two...

Deposit friendly decorating ideas?

Deposit friendly decorating ideas?

The number of people in the UK renting their homes is at a 13 year high and, as a result, the amount of people looking for temporary and reversible interior decorations online has increased by 200% over...

Government fuelling rental demand and supply crisis

Government fuelling rental demand and supply crisis...

The NRLA is warning that government efforts to dampen investment in rental housing are fuelling a supply crisis, hiking rents and making homeownership more difficult to afford. All at the same time data...

iHowz call on Government to release MEES requirements

iHowz call on Government to release MEES requirements...

It is nearly 17 months since the Government’s consultation on improving the energy performance of privately rented homes closed. On Friday, 29 April 2022, iHowz landlord association wrote to Kwasi Kwateng,

NRLA open letter answering unbalanced Shelter press release

NRLA open letter answering unbalanced Shelter press release...

The NRLA has sent an open letter to the Chief Executive of Shelter, Polly Neate CBE, looking to redress the imbalance of the latest Shelter press release: Dear Polly, I write following the publication...

Number of landlords seeking to recover rental debt rises by 180%

Number of landlords seeking to recover rental debt rises by 180%...

Landlord Action, one of the UK’s best known eviction and housing law specialists, has seen a sharp rise in landlords requesting to use their debt recovery service. Instructions for the last year, April...

TOMORROW, are you joining the Virtual Property Exhibition?

TOMORROW, are you joining the Virtual Property Exhibition?

This is a very quick reminder about the Virtual Property Exhibition on Friday 29th April, 9.15am to 5.00pm and there is no cost to participate. This is a once a year opportunity to update your knowledge...

Polly Neate – “It’s appalling that every seven minutes another private renter is slapped with a no-fault eviction notice”

Polly Neate – “It’s appalling that every seven...

Shelter’s latest one-sided propaganda continues to pile pressure on calls to ban Section 21 eviction notices with their press release stating: “Every seven minutes a private renter in England...

Shelter needs to stop its campaign of scaremongering

Shelter needs to stop its campaign of scaremongering...

Responding to research published by Shelter on repossessions in the private rented sector, Ben Beadle, Chief Executive of the National Residential Landlords Association, said: “Shelter needs to stop...

DPS reports rent increases for the sixth consecutive quarter

DPS reports rent increases for the sixth consecutive quarter...

Average UK rents have increased for the sixth consecutive quarter, according to The Deposit Protection Service (The DPS), whilst also producing evidence that some tenants are paying above the going rate...

Down valuation pandemic

Down valuation pandemic...

Research by HBB Solutions, has estimated that almost half of pandemic property purchases across the UK may have been subject to a down valuation, meaning just shy of 867,000 sales would have hit a snag...

Would you like 10 top property experts come to see you on Friday?

Would you like 10 top property experts come to see you on Friday?

Just in case you missed it! 10 of the top UK property educators and commentators are coming to your place on Friday, to share with you what is happening in the UK market right now, and how to make the...

ONS data for cost of living crisis – 34% of renters reporting rent increases

ONS data for cost of living crisis – 34% of renters reporting...

The Office for National Statistics has released its latest report using data from the Opinions and Lifestyle Survey analysing how different demographics have been affected by an increase in their cost...

Ban on charging ground rent on new leases from 30th June

Ban on charging ground rent on new leases from 30th June...

The government is to stop future leasehold homeowners from facing annual ground rent costs. Sometimes worth hundreds of pounds a year, these charges provide no clear service in return and can be set to...

West of England Landlord Expo Tuesday 17th May 2022

West of England Landlord Expo Tuesday 17th May 2022...

Key members of the Property118 and Cotswold Barristers team are hoping to meet several of our regular readers and tax planning Clients at the West of England Landlord Expo on Tuesday 17th May 2022 as well...

Join Mark Alexander at the pin Virtual Property Exhibition on Friday 29thApril

Join Mark Alexander at the pin Virtual Property Exhibition on...

We are delighted to invite you to join us live on Friday 29thApril for a Virtual Property Exhibition, featuring 10 property industry experts, for a full day of online training to update you on the current...

BBC – Is the private rented sector under attack? Help us defend it

BBC – Is the private rented sector under attack? Help us...

The BBC has asked propertymark to collate data for them so the BBC can use the survey to “draw the country’s attention to the issue of landlords deciding to sell or jump to short term lets.”...

Homes for Ukraine scheme guidance update 20.04.2022

Homes for Ukraine scheme guidance update 20.04.2022...

Please click here to download the full government guidance and FAQs. What sort of room/accommodation is required? The most important thing is that you’re able to provide at least 6 months of stable accommodation.

WFH and HS2 increase rental inflation outside London

WFH and HS2 increase rental inflation outside London...

The cost of renting a home in London is now on average four times more expensive than some parts of northern England, new research shows. Renters now face having to fork up to £1,757 per month on average...

Heading towards a significant era of change

Heading towards a significant era of change...

The Property Ombudsman (TPO) scheme, which offers an independent and impartial dispute resolution service to consumers who have been unable to resolve their disputes with a registered property business,

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Thursday 14th July 2011

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