News Team

Recommendations to government for a post section 21 PRS

Recommendations to government for a post section 21 PRS...

The Lettings Industry Council (TLIC), formed Theresa Wallace from Savills (UK) Ltd and Kate Faulkner, has released a report which makes recommendations based on the expected changes to be introduced in...

Property passports to help landlords prove their homes are compliant

Property passports to help landlords prove their homes are compliant...

The NRLA are calling for new property passports to help landlords prove their homes are compliant and tenants identify decent and safe housing. Under plans devised by the National Residential Landlords...

Garden Communities – A bit like garden cities?

Garden Communities – A bit like garden cities?

Housing Minister Stuart Andrew announces that from Cornwall to Carlisle, the Garden Communities programme will deliver up to 16,000 homes per year from 2025 with £15 million of government funding, driving...

3,374 BTL products still on offer to landlords but rates rising

3,374 BTL products still on offer to landlords but rates rising...

The Latest Moneyfacts market research indicates that although there was a small month-on-month dip in the number of Buy-to-Let (BTL) products available to landlords, reduced by 61 to 3,374, compared to...

Rental affordabilty in England – Average salary of £30,264 equated to 32.1% of average rent

Rental affordabilty in England – Average salary of £30,264...

Paragon’s Rental Affordability Index takes recently published Government data, and by overlaying gross annual earnings with the average amount spent on rent, reveals an average rental affordability ratio...

Right to Manage (RTM) Formations Platform Looking For Beta Testers

Right to Manage (RTM) Formations Platform Looking For Beta Testers...

Do you lack control over your service charge or have difficulty getting your landlord to make urgent repairs? Are you thinking of RTM but keep on putting it off as the process seems laborious and overwhelming?

Eddie Hughes, Minister for the Private Rented Sector, to address national landlords conference

Eddie Hughes, Minister for the Private Rented Sector, to address...

The Minister for the Private Rented Sector, Eddie Hughes MP, will be the keynote speaker at the inaugural National Landlord Conference on Tuesday 15th November. Hosted by the National Residential Landlords...

Meet Mark Smith (Barrister-At-law) – Premier Property Club 25th May London HQ

Meet Mark Smith (Barrister-At-law) – Premier Property Club...

Our Hon. Legal Counsel, Mark Smith, Head of Chambers at Cotswold Barristers, will be presenting on the subject of Business and Tax Structures for Property Investors in 2022 at the Premier Property Club...

Commercial Rent (Coronavirus) Act 2022 ends government interventions

Commercial Rent (Coronavirus) Act 2022 ends government interventions...

The government recently passed into law the much-anticipated Commercial Rent (Coronavirus) Act 2022. This effectively ends government interventions to prevent tenant insolvencies during the pandemic, largely...

Seeking help – Debt owed for repairs?

Seeking help – Debt owed for repairs?

A former tenant owes me £2,222 for repairs to the house. It’s a bit of a story – they moved out in December 2021. I would definitely like to get a CCJ and if necessary, take steps to go for...

It is surprising that conditions have remained so buoyant

It is surprising that conditions have remained so buoyant...

The latest Nationwide House price index for April indicates annual UK price growth slowed a little to 12.1%, down from 14.3% in March with prices up 0.3% month-on-month after taking into account seasonal...

No let up on the lack of new rental listings coming to the market

No let up on the lack of new rental listings coming to the market...

The Housing Market readies itself for the latest economic measures to impact the UK housing market, as forward-looking metrics soften, but current activity is still buoyant and house prices are continuing...

Shelter’s newest attack on letting agents is appalling and childish

Shelter’s newest attack on letting agents is appalling and...

Shelter claims Landlords and letting agents have got away with cutting corners for far too long and have released a satirical video with an agent played by comedian Rory Marshall (see video below) However,

Government says it will ‘end injustice’ with new deal Renters Reform Bill

Government says it will ‘end injustice’ with new...

Michael Gove, and the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, have followed up on the Queen’s speech with exactly what their intentions are for the Renters Reform Bill. Apparently,

This is simply not good enough

This is simply not good enough...

Responding to confirmation in the Queen’s Speech that the Government will bring forward its planned Renters Reform Bill to abolish Section 21 repossessions, Ben Beadle, Chief Executive of the National...

Queen’s Speech – Landlord Reactions

Queen’s Speech – Landlord Reactions...

In the State Opening of Parliament, the Queen’s speech (this year given by Charles the Prince of Wales) sets out the laws her government wants to pass and the priorities for the months ahead. For...

New Shelter video attacking letting agents and rental conditions

New Shelter video attacking letting agents and rental conditions...

Shelter claims Landlords and letting agents have got away with cutting corners for far too long and have released a satirical video with an agent played by comedian Rory Marshall. In the latest press release,

Spare room demand and prices spike

Spare room demand and prices spike...

New research reveals that Sunderland has experienced the biggest increase in rental demand of all the main UK towns/cities. Data from SpareRoom, showed that listings posted on the platform for rooms in...

HMO regulations driving decline in supply

HMO regulations driving decline in supply...

A constant barrage of regulations, restrictions, responsibilities and Selective Licencing has driven an overall decline of supply in England’s HMO sector by 3% from 511,278 properties in 2019/2020...

NTSELAT deem Price on Application unlawful

NTSELAT deem Price on Application unlawful...

The National Trading Standards Estate and Letting Agency Team (NTSELAT) has released its opinion, with the collaboration of the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), on the use by agents of the term...

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Thursday 14th July 2011

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