News Team

Regulator of Social Housing to introduce tenant satisfaction measures

Regulator of Social Housing to introduce tenant satisfaction...

The Regulator of Social Housing (RSH) has revealed that all registered providers of social housing will need to collect and publish information on repairs, safety checks and complaints. The move follows...

Commercial landlords are unaware of EPC changes

Commercial landlords are unaware of EPC changes...

Nearly two-fifths (39%) of commercial landlords are unaware of new standards on Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) coming into force in April 2023, new research reveals. The findings from property...

All-inclusive tenants WILL get £400 energy bill rebate

All-inclusive tenants WILL get £400 energy bill rebate...

Landlords will have to pass on a £400 energy rebate to their tenants who are paying rent with their bills included, the government has revealed. The move is part of the government’s help to deal with...

August’s house sales grew by 7.6% – and a stamp duty cut is mooted

August’s house sales grew by 7.6% – and a stamp duty...

The number of house sales in August was 7.6% higher than in the same month in 2021, HMRC has revealed. The data shows that house sales were also 1.7% higher than in July. The figures are provisional seasonally...

A landlords welcome guide for new tenants

A landlords welcome guide for new tenants...

Giving your tenants a welcome pack will set expectations & ground rules early and could save you a lot of time and money during the tenancy period. You can guarantee that not every tenant is going...

25% of borrowers will struggle if interest rates hit 5%

25% of borrowers will struggle if interest rates hit 5%...

A quarter of borrowers will not be able to afford their mortgage if interest rates hit 5%, a survey has revealed. With interest rates widely predicted to rise tomorrow (Thursday), it will be the seventh...

Plight of Scottish tenants revealed as housing crisis deepens

Plight of Scottish tenants revealed as housing crisis deepens...

The housing crisis in the Scottish Private Rental Sector (PRS) is rapidly worsening, leaving thousands of tenants in a desperate situation as they are unable to find accommodation. That’s the view...

Private rents are ‘stubbornly high’ as homes get smaller

Private rents are ‘stubbornly high’ as homes get...

Rents as a share of income have remained stubbornly high while the average floor space per private renter in England has fallen by 16% over the past 20 years, research reveals. According to Resolution...

Government approves UK’s largest Selective Licensing Scheme

Government approves UK’s largest Selective Licensing Scheme...

The Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities have given the go-ahead for the UK’s biggest Selective Licensing Scheme that will cover up to 50,000 homes. The permission has been given to...

House prices will fall by 4.5% next year

House prices will fall by 4.5% next year...

The UK’s house prices are predicted to fall by 4.5% on average in 2023 – with a peak annual contraction of 6.2% expected in the third quarter. And though house prices will drop – those...

1 in 3 tenants consider cancelling their energy bill payments

1 in 3 tenants consider cancelling their energy bill payments...

Faced with rising bills, 1 in 3 tenants say they would consider cancelling their energy bill payments, a survey reveals. The findings from online lettings agency Mashroom have surveyed 1,000 renters to...

Most landlords are supporting their struggling tenants

Most landlords are supporting their struggling tenants...

With most tenants making lifestyle changes to cope with the cost-of-living crisis, it has been revealed that three-quarters of residential landlords (75%) are supporting their tenants. The findings from...

Universities help to boost rental yields by up to 2%

Universities help to boost rental yields by up to 2%...

Rental homes that are close to universities enjoy an average yield that is 1.3% higher than those in the wider area – boosting a landlord’s expected annual income by nearly £6,000. That’s...

‘Responsible’ rent rises pledged by the UK’s biggest landlord

‘Responsible’ rent rises pledged by the UK’s biggest...

Britain’s largest private landlord has pledged to take a ‘responsible approach’ to rent rises for its tenants to help them during the cost-of-living crisis. Newcastle-based Grainger has 10,000 homes...

‘Enough is enough’ – Another council crackdown on HMOs revealed

‘Enough is enough’ – Another council crackdown...

Another council has revealed that it is going to clamp down on substandard HMOs in its area with the council leader telling the meeting, ‘Enough is enough’. The plan for bringing in a second Additional...

Tenants increasingly getting first refusal to buy their home

Tenants increasingly getting first refusal to buy their home...

Mortgage brokers are reporting ‘an enormous uptick in enquires’ from tenants who are being given first refusal to buy their rented home. The brokers point to increasing numbers of amateur...

House prices rocket at their quickest pace since 2003

House prices rocket at their quickest pace since 2003...

The UK’s house prices have risen at the quickest pace since 2003, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) says. The figures are based on the Land Registry’s final sale prices and show those prices...

Landlords with agents face due diligence checks

Landlords with agents face due diligence checks...

Propertymark is urging agents to familiarise themselves with updated guidance, so they don’t fall foul of anti-money laundering rules. The move will see agents carrying out customer due diligence...

Tenants in the North will face the biggest issue with rising fuel bills

Tenants in the North will face the biggest issue with rising...

Households living in rental properties across the North of England face the biggest financial headache from soaring fuel price rises, according to a new study into the energy efficiency of landlord-owned...

Government portal will give details on criminal landlords

Government portal will give details on criminal landlords...

The government has revealed that its property portal will be publicly available for everyone to help drive criminal landlords and agents from the private rental sector. The response is part of the consultation...

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Thursday 14th July 2011

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