Paul Shamplina

Landlord Action appeals to Ministry of Justice to transfer more evictions to the High Court

Landlord Action appeals to Ministry of Justice to transfer more...

The length of time it is taking to get a County Court bailiff appointment once a possession order has been granted, in some cases up to three months, is having considerable financial impact on landlords.

Landlord has the last laugh in rent arrears debacle

Landlord has the last laugh in rent arrears debacle...

We regularly come across cases where tenants have fallen on hard times and rather than communicate with their landlord for fear of losing their home, they instead choose to avoid paying the rent until...

Evictions – It’s a messy business!

Evictions – It’s a messy business!

Last week I attended an eviction in East London with the Channel 5 film crew in tow.  This was not an ordinary case; the arrears were in excess of £20k as a result of rent not being paid for over 2 ½...

15 year high for Section 21 possession cases

15 year high for Section 21 possession cases...

Statistics released by the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) show that despite an overall 5% fall in possession claims issued at county courts in 2014 versus 2013, the figures are skewed by a more lenient approach...

Say No to increase in court fee

Say No to increase in court fee...

Last April, landlords had to endure a 150% increase on court fee rises on section 8 claims from £100 to £250, in addition to the increased placed on the Accelerated Possession fee from £175 to £280.

Landlords are losing thousands as court delays become critical

Landlords are losing thousands as court delays become critical...

Under-resourced county courts are exasperated by the number of possession claims being put forward, resulting in costly delays for landlords.  It has become such a problem in the last three months, that...

Delighted as Revenge Eviction Bill is defeated

Delighted as Revenge Eviction Bill is defeated...

The Tenancies Reform Bill presented by Liberal Democrat MP Sarah Teather and aimed at stopping Revenge Evictions, has failed to secure enough votes to pass in Parliament, much to our relief at Landlord...

Landlord Action Scoops Top Supplier at Landlord & Buy-to-Let Awards

Landlord Action Scoops Top Supplier at Landlord & Buy-to-Let...

A year on from acquiring law firm status as part of our perpetual efforts to raise industry standards, particularly in the field of eviction, Landlord Action has been announced the winner of the Legal...

Government move to issue accelerated possession claims online

Government move to issue accelerated possession claims online...

From today, the Government has launched a new service which enables landlords to start the process of evicting tenants using the Section 21 accelerated possession claims online. This was an idea which...

Landlords are making more use of the Section 21 Accelerated procedure

Landlords are making more use of the Section 21 Accelerated procedure...

Since Landlord Action started in 1999, which incidentally is also the year the Section 21 accelerated procedure was introduced, we have never had so many instructions from landlords and letting agents...

It’s Redress-Day for Letting Agents

It’s Redress-Day for Letting Agents...

At last the Government has agreed that every letting agent in England and Wales must join an authorised consumer redress scheme to ensure tenants and leaseholders have a straightforward option to hold...

A Landlords Story – A Warning To Everyone!

A Landlords Story – A Warning To Everyone!

It has become a popular past-time of late to bash landlords. Day after day there are cynical stories in the media about rich capitalist landlords seeking to exploit poor beleaguered tenants, abuse them...

New Deposit Service launched

New Deposit Service launched...

As many as 38% of landlords calling the Landlord Action legal helpline for advice on evicting a tenant have failed to place their tenants’ deposits in a government recognised scheme within the prescribed...

Landlord action to appear on BBC One programme Inside Out

Landlord action to appear on BBC One programme Inside Out...

I carried out some filming with BBC One’s Inside Out programme on Friday. After setting off early and getting stuck on the dreaded M25, I eventually arrived in Orpington to meet my landlord Brian at...

Using a section 21 should not be considered a Revenge Eviction

Using a section 21 should not be considered a Revenge Eviction...

I would like to provided clarity over what constitutes a Revenge Eviction, and what is simply a landlord serving notice without giving a reason, after concerns have been raised that the term was being...

The Property Redress Scheme and the Lettings Industry

The Property Redress Scheme and the Lettings Industry...

The Property Redress Scheme held its first meeting this week and I was delighted to be asked to attend. This scheme has been sanctioned by the Government for all Letting Agents to join later this year,

Landlord Action study of landlords notices

Landlord Action study of landlords notices...

Our latest study reveals 62% of landlord notices are incorrect.  Landlord Action has carried out a study of the last 200 instructions received from landlords and letting agents that have served their...

Landlords will pay a heavy price for the tenants to leave

Landlords will pay a heavy price for the tenants to leave...

We recently had an enquiry where we helped a desperate landlord and wanted us to assist in obtaining vacate possession. The landlord had served a section 21 notice on the tenant, which expired at the end...

The Social Housing crisis and Landlords

The Social Housing crisis and Landlords...

In May last year I did a TV programme called The One Show, where they filmed me serving a section 8 notice on a LHA tenants at 7am, they had kept the landlords rent of £4,000. This piece was about the...

Extortionate court fee increases will impact landlords

Extortionate court fee increases will impact landlords...

Landlord Action has lambasted Government plans to increase court fees as “extortionate”.  The planned changes will take effect from 22nd April 2014, where fees for possession claims will see one of...

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Tuesday 26th April 2011

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