Mark Edwards

Limited Edition BTL Portfolio Products with Free Valuation & Cashback

Limited Edition BTL Portfolio Products with Free Valuation &...

Mortgages and Insurers Solutions have access to a number of limited edition buy to let portfolio products. The limited edition rates are available on properties with HMO status, limited company SPVs, single...

BTL mortgage case studies – my new weekly column

BTL mortgage case studies – my new weekly column...

I have been asked by Mark Alexander to put together a weekly column with examples of the enquiries I receive from Property118 readers and the solutions I have been able to offer them. Hope you find them...

Local Authority Lets, No need to take a chance!

Local Authority Lets, No need to take a chance!

Letting a property on a 3 of even 5 year contract to the local authority may seem like an attractive idea for some landlords. As well as helping to ease the chronic public sector housing shortage, the...

Buy to Let With No Minimum Income

Buy to Let With No Minimum Income...

“Is it possible to obtain a buy to let mortgage without proving income?”  This is a question I am asked frequently. Well, there are a number of buy to let lenders in the market whose criteria...

Buy-to-Let mortgages for properties with lower rental yields

Buy-to-Let mortgages for properties with lower rental yields...

Most buy to let products have a interest cover calculation which requires rents to be at least 125% of the monthly interest at a notional rate of 5%. To help simplify the calculation, the monthly rent...

Buy to let, no minimum income

Buy to let, no minimum income...

You may well be forgiven for thinking that the current climate has been quite tough for obtaining finance.  The Financial Conduct Authority’s (FCA) recent implementation of the Mortgage Market...

HMO Finance at 85% LTV

HMO Finance at 85% LTV...

Most buy to let lenders will either restrict the maximum borrowing on Houses of Multiple Occupancy (HMO’s) or in most instances, you will find that it falls completely outside of their criteria and...

London Buy to Let still makes sense

London Buy to Let still makes sense...

One of my clients, Philip an IT consultant, recently completed on a purchase of a three bedroom house in Edmonton North London. It was his first venture into property investment and so I was impressed...

CASE STUDY – First time buyer, First time landlord

CASE STUDY – First time buyer, First time landlord...

I thought I would share a short case study of how I helped Max, a first time buyer, first time landlord, to get on the property ladder recently. Max is aged 21, and although he has managed to establish...

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Tuesday 6th May 2014

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