Mark Alexander - Founder of Property118

Property118 Online Karaoke Challenge

Property118 Online Karaoke Challenge...

Calling all singers or self-styled Karaoke Kings or Queens. For a bit of fun I’ve tinkered slightly with the lyrics to Gwen Guthrie’s 1986 hit pop song ‘Ain’t nothing going on but the rent’,

TAX CASE STUDY – Landlord’s Joint Ventures Tidied Up

TAX CASE STUDY – Landlord’s Joint Ventures Tidied Up...

By the time Stuart first contacted Property118 Limited his ‘Joint Venture’ business model had already become reasonably well established. Initially, he had purchased a few properties in his...

TCGA92/S162 ‘incorporation relief’

TCGA92/S162 ‘incorporation relief’...

The following is taken directly from HMRC’s own internal manuals. Links to to the source web-pages can be found at the bottom of each section. TCGA92/S162 applies where a person other than a company...

Do landlords expect too much from their accountants?

Do landlords expect too much from their accountants?

You wouldn’t expect your family Doctor to perform major surgery on you, so why do most landlords expect their accountants to provide tax planning advice and recommend the optimal structure for their...

Statement from Tim Frome on behalf of Property Redress Scheme

Statement from Tim Frome on behalf of Property Redress Scheme...

Dear Property118 members The government have announced that landlord redress will be mandatory in the future and they will be authorising schemes to cover landlords. They are setting up a Redress Reform...

Cost to landlords to join a COMPULSORY Redress Scheme?

Cost to landlords to join a COMPULSORY Redress Scheme?

On 24th January 2019 MHCLG announced that it will become compulsory for Private Landlords in England to become members of a Redress Scheme. No dates are available yet as to when this will become law but...

Will you pay tax on your finance costs this year?

Will you pay tax on your finance costs this year?

If you are due to pay tax on your finance costs by 31st January 2019 I have some very bad news for you, and some potentially very good news. I will begin with the bad news. Unless you make some changes...

Selling property without paying CGT

Selling property without paying CGT...

Two scenarios regularly pitched to me during tax planning consultations are:- 1) We want to sell some of our properties which are low yielding and replace them with higher yielding properties. 2) We have...

National Landlords Alliance

National Landlords Alliance...

The National Landlords Alliance is a fledgling organisation and has just a few hundred members at the moment. However, driven by controversial discussions on Social Media about the aims and the aggressive...

Tax Planning Case Study Terminal Illness

Tax Planning Case Study Terminal Illness...

This is a rather sad case study, but it is also a very real situation that anybody reading it could find themselves having to deal with at some point. I am sharing it to demonstrate how effective tax planning...

A viable alternative to the PRS?

A viable alternative to the PRS?

If/when a viable alternative to the PRS exists landlords will be forced to reduce rents, sit on empty properties or sell up. Meanwhile, piling on more legislation only serves to discourage private investment,

See you on Saturday night

See you on Saturday night...

Just in case you didn’t know, Property118 has been nominated for an Award for being the Best Property Website For Landlords in 2018. Voting was earlier this year and the recipient of this award goes...

The 22 Year Old Who Purchased A Block Of 24 Flats

The 22 Year Old Who Purchased A Block Of 24 Flats...

I recently came across a Facebook post showing a picture of Alistair Trippett, a 22 year old from Stoke-on-Trent who recently completed a purchased of a block of 24 flats. Intrigued by how he managed to...

Proposals to add shared occupancy test to Rent-A-Room relief to be scrapped

Proposals to add shared occupancy test to Rent-A-Room relief...

This summer, HM Treasury proposed a new “shared occupancy test” for those renting their spare rooms to continue to qualify for the annual £7,500 rent-a-room tax relief. This was due to be included...

Initiative Q

Initiative Q...

Initiative Q is an attempt by ex-PayPal guys to create a new payment system instead of credit cards that were designed in the 1950s. The system uses its own currency, the Q, and to get people to start...

Our recon trip to Portugal for NHR tax residence purposes

Our recon trip to Portugal for NHR tax residence purposes...

My wife and I have spent the last week looking at properties to buy in Portugal. As you might recall, last month I wrote an article entitled “Why UK Landlords Are Flocking to Portugal“. To...

Bod’s decision on whether or not to incorporate his rental property business

Bod’s decision on whether or not to incorporate his rental...

Bod has a dilemma. He is a portfolio landlord who is badly affected by the Section 24 restrictions on finance cost relief. We have been friends on Facebook for a long while and Bod messages me regularly.

Vision for an independent organisation to represent UK landlords

Vision for an independent organisation to represent UK landlords...

* Suggestions made by Mark Alexander, founder of – Imagine an organisation with 10’s of millions of pounds of budget every year, funded entirely by its landlord members and acting...

BoE base rate has trebled within a year but …

BoE base rate has trebled within a year but …...

* Property118 founder Mark Alexander shares his predictions on the future of BTL for established landlords PLUS his thoughts on mortgage lending and the polarisation of the mindset of private housing providers.

Please send this to your MP

Please send this to your MP...

[add your address here] Dear [insert your MP’s name] There is a major discrepancy in the treatment of SME’s in regards to relief at the point of incorporation if a business (ie moving to Limited...

Registered with
Monday 17th January 2011

Total Number of Property118 Comments:


UK landlord since 1989.

Wedded to property, finance, tax and law since 1987.

Enjoying financial freedom since 2003 and location independence since 2016.

Homes in Malta, Florida and Central Russia but very much British with a UK property rental and development business.

Founder of - “facilitating the sharing of best practice among UK landlords and associated professionals”

Happy to be interviewed on your Podcast, in Clubhouse, your YouTube channel and other online events.

My speciality is landlord tax planning and I head a team of 10 specialist Tax Consultants and four Tax Barristers. We are recruiting to meet demand.

I don’t offer mentoring or training as I am semi retired and enjoying a fantastic work/life balance, but I do comment frequently and answer questions posted here on Property118.