Mark Alexander - Founder of Property118

Post Covid-19 Property Opportunities – Baker Street 29th April

Post Covid-19 Property Opportunities – Baker Street 29th...

Join me, Shaf Rasul from Dragons Den, Simon Zutshi and Ranjan Bhattacharya live for an online Baker Street Property Meet at 7pm on 29th April 2020. 1000+ property investors will be attending, so secure...

Save The Date – 29th April 2020 @ 7pm

Save The Date – 29th April 2020 @ 7pm...

Join me, Shaf Rasul from Dragons Den, Simon Zutshi and Ranjan Bhattacharya live for an online Baker Street Property Meet at 7pm on 29th April 2020. REGISTER HERE IT’S FREE! I cannot even begin to...

Lockdown Landlords Doing Their 2020 Accounts Now

Lockdown Landlords Doing Their 2020 Accounts Now...

Thousands of UK landlords are making the most of the Covid-19 lockdown to get ahead in terms of preparing their 2020 self-assessment returns and accounts. They don’t need to submit them until the...

Advice for Accidental Landlords – by Landlords Defence

Advice for Accidental Landlords – by Landlords Defence...

Landlords… If your property is being managed by your brother’s sister’s cousin’s sister-in-law, or your best-est friends’ brother-in-law then you face a 90% probability of massive problems in...

How Shaf Rasul from BBC Dragons Den got started in property

How Shaf Rasul from BBC Dragons Den got started in property...

With the lockdown, Shaf has bit more time on his hands. This is giving him the opportunity to do a few more videos. So guys please take advantage of it. If you have any questions to do with business please...

Happy New Tax Year!

Happy New Tax Year!

For those property rental business owners we have helped to restructure over recent months and years, they will know exactly what we mean when we say “Happy New Tax Year!” For others, those...

Larger Portfolio Landlords Face Financial Oblivion Unless They ACT NOW!

Larger Portfolio Landlords Face Financial Oblivion Unless They...

Janet and John have spent their time in isolation considering the impact of Covid-19 on their rental property business. They are predicting that in the 2020/21 tax year their rental income will reduce...

CERTAINTY Amidst Chaos Covid-19 Update

CERTAINTY Amidst Chaos Covid-19 Update...

Open for new business and with Rent Guarantee Insurance that WILL pay out! Today I have been speaking with Chris Sheldon, the Managing Director of, to review the company’s...

Covid-19 – Which BTL Lenders Are Playing Ball?

Covid-19 – Which BTL Lenders Are Playing Ball?

In my opinion, this short video is the most helpful for landlords so far in the Covid-19 crisis. Comments from readers, in regards to their personal experiences, are very much necessary. Those of you who...

Four Property Investment Structures – Video Interview

Four Property Investment Structures – Video Interview...

In this video, Mark Alexander (founder of Property118) discusses ownership structures for buy to let landlords with Ranjan Bhattacharya. As the video is 26 minutes long you might want to grab yourself...

Are Shelter Abusing Their Financial Muscle? AGAIN!!!

Are Shelter Abusing Their Financial Muscle? AGAIN!!!

Who do the bullies have in their sights this time? Shelter are currently running a Social Media campaign which alleges that landlords can be fined up to £13,000 for discrimination if their Agents advertising...

Differences of opinion – What do you think?

Differences of opinion – What do you think?

In the embedded video below there are a few answers given by the presenters (Mark Smith and Andrew Roberts) that I disagree with. The first is in regards to the pricing of Limited Company Buy-to-Let mortgages...

The optimal business structure for UK landlords

The optimal business structure for UK landlords...

Taking professional advice on the optimal ownership structure for UK landlords is arguably the most overlooked aspect of their financial planning. It is probably fair to say that most landlords do a fair...

Are fines to landlords disproportionate to the crime?

Are fines to landlords disproportionate to the crime?

How much do people get fined for driving a vehicle without a driving licence? I ask this question because recently a landlord was fined £90,000 for not having licences despite his properties being faultless!

LBTT for sole owner landlord incorporation in Scotland

LBTT for sole owner landlord incorporation in Scotland...

If you are a landlord in Scotland and you own properties in your own name, you might be considering transferring your rental property business into a legal company. GOOD NEWS – the LBTT is likely...

R.I.P. David Knox – A.K.A. “Appalled Landlord”

R.I.P. David Knox – A.K.A. “Appalled Landlord”...

Our dear friend, David Knox – A.K.A. “Appalled Landlord” passed away on 21st January 2020. He was probably best known by Property118 readers for publishing his investigative work and...

HMO Landlord Defeats VOA in Land Tribunal Ruling on Banding Individual HMO Rooms for Council Tax

HMO Landlord Defeats VOA in Land Tribunal Ruling on Banding Individual...

We published an article a few weeks ago by Andrew Roberts from The Great Property Meet which asked our community for help and guidance for one of his Members in preparation for a Land Tribunal hearing...

Using a property investment LLP for school fees planning purposes

Using a property investment LLP for school fees planning purposes...

Our client was a higher rate tax-payer and also owned four properties in his own name with the benefit of mortgages. Accordingly, he was affected by the restrictions on finance cost relief. His wife is...

Mark Smith | Why Are You Paying Too Much Property Tax? | Live at The Great Property Meet!

Mark Smith | Why Are You Paying Too Much Property Tax? | Live...

We are very grateful to Andrew Roberts of The Great Property Meet for arranging a very professional recording of the presentation made by our Hon. Legal Counsel, Mark Smith, Head of Chambers at Cotswold...

Soldier On Property Training Course Committed Suicide

Soldier On Property Training Course Committed Suicide...

You may well have seen this story on the BBC website and also in The Telegraph. There have also been several links to them on Facebook and other Social Media over the last few days. The story has certainly...

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Monday 17th January 2011

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UK landlord since 1989.

Wedded to property, finance, tax and law since 1987.

Enjoying financial freedom since 2003 and location independence since 2016.

Homes in Malta, Florida and Central Russia but very much British with a UK property rental and development business.

Founder of - “facilitating the sharing of best practice among UK landlords and associated professionals”

Happy to be interviewed on your Podcast, in Clubhouse, your YouTube channel and other online events.

My speciality is landlord tax planning and I head a team of 10 specialist Tax Consultants and four Tax Barristers. We are recruiting to meet demand.

I don’t offer mentoring or training as I am semi retired and enjoying a fantastic work/life balance, but I do comment frequently and answer questions posted here on Property118.