Mark Alexander - Founder of Property118


ABOUT is a unique resource and community for Property Investors, Landlords, Property Developers and the associated trades and professions.  Membership is free.


ABOUT is a unique resource and community for Property Investors, Landlords, Property Developers and the associated trades and professions. Membership is free.

Are YOUR tenants YOUR best ambassadors?

Are YOUR tenants YOUR best ambassadors?

As all landlords know, if you take good care of your properties and your tenants they will look after you.  If you’re not a good landlord they will tell all their friends but do they tell all their...

How I choose my tenants

How I choose my tenants...

Please remember that my properties are all mid range to upper end of the market.  My typical tenant profile is professionals and retired couples.  Some of the strategies outlined may be transferrable...

How I minimise property management issues

How I minimise property management issues...

Please remember that my properties are all mid range to upper end of market properties aimed at the professional tenants and retired couples.  Some of the strategies outlined may be transferrable to other...

How I minimise rental voids

How I minimise rental voids...

A one month rental void accounts for 8.33% of your annual rental income.  For many landlords this is the difference between making a profit or a loss from rental income.  Talk to any property investor...

Mark Alexander’s interview with Paul Spriggins – UK Holiday Lets investor/developer

Mark Alexander’s interview with Paul Spriggins – UK Holiday...

Paul Spriggins In this interview Paul explains how he develops brick and tile UK holiday park homes, sells them for £71,000, returns investors 10% + per annum and provides 10 year, fixed rate, non-status,

Landlords Insurance Tips – reduce costs, minimise risk

Landlords Insurance Tips – reduce costs, minimise risk...

By Neil Patterson, Partner of The Money Centre. Remember; insurance companies have to make money too, but as a landlord if you understand how they price schemes and view risk you can maximise savings on...

Commercial property starts the year on a high

Commercial property starts the year on a high...

Commercial investors are celebrating average property values increasing by 8.9% and returns of 16.1% for 2010.

New blog topics coming soon

New blog topics coming soon...

The two new topics will be: Cautionary Tales – this will include Case Studies from a panel of landlords and professional advisors explaining how they or their clients lost money and what they now...

Questions to ask a Property Sourcer

Questions to ask a Property Sourcer...

Two of the UK’s largest buy to let mortgage providers have introduced a criteria not to accept mortgage applications for properties purchased through property sourcers.  This has angered many people...

The origins of the phrase Bulls and Bears – heated debate

The origins of the phrase Bulls and Bears – heated debate...

This week I’ve been involved in a group debate with three people who hide their identity on a popular property investors forum.  The people on the opposite side of the debate consider me to be a property...

Red Hot Tax Tip – get tax relief on your personal mortgage

Red Hot Tax Tip – get tax relief on your personal mortgage...

For married couples and civil partnerships. EXAMPLE You sell shares in your family company to your spouse for an amount equivalent to your personal mortgage, or more if additional capital raising is...

Looking for contributors to this Blog

Looking for contributors to this Blog...

PERSONAL MESSAGE FROM MARK ALEXANDER If you have a good property story to tell we may want to share it.

My 2011 interest rate prediction

My 2011 interest rate prediction...

From the heart, not a chart. I’m not really into fancy graphs, I don’t have a private school or university education and I don’t have a posh accent so if that’s what you were hoping...

My Annual Tax Rant

My Annual Tax Rant...

It’s coming up to that time of year when I have to pay my taxes again. That means I have made a profit so I should be happy right? WRONG!

Sell or hold after completing a refurbishment?

Sell or hold after completing a refurbishment?

This question was recently asked on a property forum and inspired me to write this post. A spreadsheet could be written to crunch the numbers and I will explain how I do this further into this post.

Amazing motivational video

Amazing motivational video...


Suggested New Years Resolutions for Landlords

Suggested New Years Resolutions for Landlords...

1)  Create or update property schedule 2) Consider impact of higher interest rates 3) Look at ways to reduce cost (e.g. insurance, accounting, advertising costs) 4) Make/update Will...

Very witty – Flirting With Property …… till death us do part.

Very witty – Flirting With Property …… till...

 Picked up in a conversation at the Property Tribes forum.  It was just too good not to share. ...

Registered with
Monday 17th January 2011

Total Number of Property118 Comments:


UK landlord since 1989.

Wedded to property, finance, tax and law since 1987.

Enjoying financial freedom since 2003 and location independence since 2016.

Homes in Malta, Florida and Central Russia but very much British with a UK property rental and development business.

Founder of - “facilitating the sharing of best practice among UK landlords and associated professionals”

Happy to be interviewed on your Podcast, in Clubhouse, your YouTube channel and other online events.

My speciality is landlord tax planning and I head a team of 10 specialist Tax Consultants and four Tax Barristers. We are recruiting to meet demand.

I don’t offer mentoring or training as I am semi retired and enjoying a fantastic work/life balance, but I do comment frequently and answer questions posted here on Property118.