Mark Alexander - Founder of Property118

If landlords think Section 24 is bad wait until you read this!

If landlords think Section 24 is bad wait until you read this!

As I write this article the Bank of England Governor is under immense pressure to take emergency measures to protect against the collapse of the pound by increasing the Bank of England base rate by a further...

Are NEW Landlords Building On Solid Foundations?

Are NEW Landlords Building On Solid Foundations?

New landlords continue to enter the UK property market every day, despite reports of many established Landlords exiting. Are these new Landlords naïve or do they know something we don’t? I think...

19% inflation and 6% Bank Base Rate

19% inflation and 6% Bank Base Rate...

Only this week, Citibank predicted that UK inflation would exceed 18% by January next year and that the Bank of England would feel compelled to increase the base rate to 6%. How many of us are prepared...

Interest Rate Rise Impact Calculator

Interest Rate Rise Impact Calculator...

Calculating the extra amount of interest you will pay as a result of the recent 0.25% interest rate rise isn’t exactly rocket science for some people. However, if numbers isn’t your thing and/or you...

Improved P118 Member Profiles

Improved P118 Member Profiles...

We are extremely proud to introduce new functionality and a new look and feel to Property118 Member Profiles. One of the first things you might notice is that it’s now much easier to log in using Social...

Property118 Needs YOUR Help

Property118 Needs YOUR Help...

Please do us a favour. As we continue to build the Property118 Editorial Team, to continue to deliver even more increasingly valuable content to our Members, we would really value your feedback by completing...

Open Letter to the UK Buy-To-Let Mortgage Sector

Open Letter to the UK Buy-To-Let Mortgage Sector...

Most UK mortgage lenders and mortgage brokers do not fully understand the potentially disastrous implications of landlords taking on new mortgage finance at the point of incorporation of their property...

How many BTL properties is enough?

How many BTL properties is enough?

Why is it that so many landlords judge themselves and their peers by how many Buy-To-Let properties they own? Given a choice between owning 1,000 flats in Northern England or Scotland, which are let to...

Addressing the Under Supply of UK Rental Housing

Addressing the Under Supply of UK Rental Housing...

There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that additional regulation and taxes are having the opposite effect of what the Government is trying to achieve. Red tape, bureaucracy and tax are all proven methods...

Journalistic Support Required

Journalistic Support Required...

Believe it or not, the vast majority of the News articles you see on Property118, together with Readers Questions, Social Media Posts, Daily Newsletters, Weekly Roundup Newsletters and comment moderation...

‘Rent To Rent’ Millionaires In The UK

‘Rent To Rent’ Millionaires In The UK...

In my 30+ years of investing into UK rental property I have had the pleasure to have connected with 1,000’s of people who have made their millions by doing the same things as me. I’ve also...

POLL – What is the ROOT CAUSE of increasing homelessness, lack of supply of quality rental properties and rising rents in the UK?

POLL – What is the ROOT CAUSE of increasing homelessness,

Please select just ONE answer to the following Poll before clicking the Submit button. Please choose carefully, because the results will be displayed publicly even though your answer will be anonymous.

War In Europe by Mark Alexander

War In Europe by Mark Alexander...


Three Methods of Financing a Buy to Let Business Incorporation

Three Methods of Financing a Buy to Let Business Incorporation...

There are three main methods of financing a Buy to Let business incorporation. However, one of them is fraught with risks and high costs and it unlikely to be the method you might think of as being risky...

Can you remember why you first got into property?

Can you remember why you first got into property?

I suspect the reasons you first got into property investment were the same reasons as mine. One of the first property goals I set for myself back in 1989 was to borrow £1,000,000 to buy rental properties.

Is the Tax Man taking a huge bite out of your rental income?

Is the Tax Man taking a huge bite out of your rental income?

Are you one of those people who is now wishing that you had sought professional tax advice from us several years ago? Maybe you’ve just received your 2020/21 accounts and tax returns back from your...

Death Bed Tax Planning For Landlords

Death Bed Tax Planning For Landlords...

None of us are immortal, so death bed tax planning strategies are important for us all to know about. On that basis I make no apology for what some might perceive to be such a taboo topic. This Case Study...

Section 24 Tax Loopholes

Section 24 Tax Loopholes...

Section 24 Tax only affects private Buy to Let landlords who are higher rate tax-payers. This is because finance costs are no longer regarded as a legitimate business expense for private landlords. Instead,

The Needle In The Haystack

The Needle In The Haystack...

Finding the solution to your Landlord Tax problem by reading the HMRC manuals can be a bit like finding a needle in a haystack and then threading that needle. You might seek advice from your Accountants,

Section 24 Tax Is Now Hitting Tenants Hard

Section 24 Tax Is Now Hitting Tenants Hard...

Rental demand and hence the average price of UK rent is at an all time high and continues to sky-rocket, but why? Well, we predicted this six years ago when the UK Government first announced the introduction...

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Monday 17th January 2011

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UK landlord since 1989.

Wedded to property, finance, tax and law since 1987.

Enjoying financial freedom since 2003 and location independence since 2016.

Homes in Malta, Florida and Central Russia but very much British with a UK property rental and development business.

Founder of - “facilitating the sharing of best practice among UK landlords and associated professionals”

Happy to be interviewed on your Podcast, in Clubhouse, your YouTube channel and other online events.

My speciality is landlord tax planning and I head a team of 10 specialist Tax Consultants and four Tax Barristers. We are recruiting to meet demand.

I don’t offer mentoring or training as I am semi retired and enjoying a fantastic work/life balance, but I do comment frequently and answer questions posted here on Property118.