Mark Alexander - Founder of Property118

Landlords Insurance for HMO’s, Student lets and tenants claiming benefits

Landlords Insurance for HMO’s, Student lets and tenants...

Why is landlords insurance for a mixed portfolio that includes working tenant HMO’s, Student lets and tenants claiming benefits so much more expensive? Well until this week I thought I knew the answer!

The evolution of the Private Rented Sector – Deed of Assurance

The evolution of the Private Rented Sector – Deed of Assurance...

Why on earth would The Mortgage Works “TMW” agree to three year AST’s? More to the point, why would landlords and tenants? It has always been legally possible for landlords to offer AST’s...

I am a landlord – Ask Me Anything!

I am a landlord – Ask Me Anything!

Hello all, I am a new member of the Inventory Clerks and Energy Assessors Linkedin Group so I thought I should write an article to introduce myself. Thank you Laura for allowing me to become a member by...

Calling all Landlord and Tenant Lawyers

Calling all Landlord and Tenant Lawyers...

Your thoughts on the Superstrike Ltd vs Rodrigues Court of Appeal implications please? At Property118 we have nearly 200,000 UK landlords and letting agents subscribed to our daily newsletters and Google...

Complimentary PR for Domestic Energy Assessors

Complimentary PR for Domestic Energy Assessors...

At Property118 we have nearly 200,000 UK landlords and letting agents subscribed to our daily newsletters and Google News feed but very few Domestic Energy Assessors engaging on our forums. (Yes we are...

Landlord power can and will get Deposit Protection rules clarified

Landlord power can and will get Deposit Protection rules clarified...

The potential implications of the ruling that a Statutory Periodic Tenancy is a new tenancy, according to the Court of Appeal ruling in Superstrike Ltd vs Rodruigues, has reverberated around the industry...

Superstrike Ltd vs Rodrigues Tenancy Deposit Protection Court of Appeal

Superstrike Ltd vs Rodrigues Tenancy Deposit Protection Court...

My reading of a recent Court of Appeal ruling (Superstrike Ltd vs Rodrigues) is that thousands of possession orders may have been granted in error due to lack of clarity in Tenancy Deposit Protection...

Is landlord licensing a pointless exercise?

Is landlord licensing a pointless exercise?

It’s time for me to share some controversial views on why I believe landlord licensing to be a pointless exercise I think. Now don’t get me wrong, I hate the fact that a very small minority...

Bad Landlords

Bad Landlords...

Why on earth would anybody want to search Google for “Bad Landlords”? My stepson (Ilya) bought something to my attention this evening which blew my mind. Ilya is a student at Greenwich University...

Letting Supermarket provides massive cost saving opportunities for private landlords

Letting Supermarket provides massive cost saving opportunities...

I am a non-exec Director of Letting Supermarket, an ARLA member letting agency which we have been recommending to Property118 readers since the end of 2012. The feedback received from landlords we’ve...

Is your Landlords insurance renewal coming up this summer?

Is your Landlords insurance renewal coming up this summer?

Several years ago my business partners and I were approached by an insurance broker who told us we could save a lot of money by combining our landlords insurance policies into a block policy. This was...

Negotiating with estate agents

Negotiating with estate agents...

Over the last few days a newbie property investor called Craig has been picking the brains of myself and Mary Latham by email. Yesterday we got talking about negotiating with estate agents and the advice...

Harry Oatten – Words of Wisdom from a landlord of 50 years

Harry Oatten – Words of Wisdom from a landlord of 50 years...

Thank you to Vanessa from Property Tribes TV for allowing me to share these Words of Wisdom from Harry Oatten, a landlord with 50 years experience. This video was recorded at the Welsh Landlords Day on...

Capita enter Tenancy Deposit Protection Price War

Capita enter Tenancy Deposit Protection Price War...

If you didn’t already know, there are now four Deposit Protection providers in England and Wales and between them they have seven schemes, all with different rules! The new kids on the block are...

Landlords Life Insurance Calculator

Landlords Life Insurance Calculator...

What is the minimum amount of Landlords Life Insurance we really ought to purchase? I suspect the reason most property investors choose not to purchase Landlords Life Insurance is cost. For example,

Firefox is landlords favourite browser

Firefox is landlords favourite browser...

40% of landlords visiting Property118 use Firefox as their favourite browser according to our analytics. I was quite surprised at this as I’m a massive fan of Google Chrome but only 9.9% of our...

Justin Selig – Legal advice to affected BOI tracker borrowers

Justin Selig – Legal advice to affected BOI tracker borrowers...

We appointed Justin Selig to advise thousands of landlords and residential mortgage borrowers across the UK on the day that news broke of the Bank of Ireland intentions to increase the differential on...

Tenant Eviction

Tenant Eviction...

Tenant Eviction is a process which several landlords under-estimate. Some people will tell you that evicting tenants is simple, “oh just issue a section 21 notice or a section 8 notice” are...

Petition – DO NOT change tracker mortgage interest differentials

Petition – DO NOT change tracker mortgage interest differentials...

Dear Friends, I just created the petition “Bank of Ireland – DO NOT change interest differentials on Tracker Mortgages” and wanted to ask if you could add your name too. This campaign...

The Stupid Footballer Is Dead

The Stupid Footballer Is Dead...

Paul McVeigh is a friend of mine, we share a lot in common including blogging, public speaking and of course being landlords. He’s just published a book called “The Stupid Footballer Is Dead” which provides...

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Monday 17th January 2011

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UK landlord since 1989.

Wedded to property, finance, tax and law since 1987.

Enjoying financial freedom since 2003 and location independence since 2016.

Homes in Malta, Florida and Central Russia but very much British with a UK property rental and development business.

Founder of - “facilitating the sharing of best practice among UK landlords and associated professionals”

Happy to be interviewed on your Podcast, in Clubhouse, your YouTube channel and other online events.

My speciality is landlord tax planning and I head a team of 10 specialist Tax Consultants and four Tax Barristers. We are recruiting to meet demand.

I don’t offer mentoring or training as I am semi retired and enjoying a fantastic work/life balance, but I do comment frequently and answer questions posted here on Property118.