Mark Alexander - Founder of Property118

Referencing before viewings – everyone’s a winner!

Referencing before viewings – everyone’s a winner!

I recently wrote about a scenario where I had 60 viewing requests and 19 viewings in one day.  Great you may think, and yes it was 🙂 Demand was high and two people even ended up offering me £75 pcm...

Property Battlefield Podcasts

Property Battlefield Podcasts...

A few weeks ago I was invited by estate agent John Savage to record a series of podcasts as bonus editions to his Property Battlefield project.  If you don’t know what a podcast is, three examples...

60 viewing requests, 19 viewings today – is it a record?

60 viewing requests, 19 viewings today – is it a record?

My tenants gave notice a month ago and moved out today, they didn’t agree to viewings during the notice period because they have a young baby which is fair enough. Nevertheless, as soon as I was...

Letting Supermarket Shares On Sale Now

Letting Supermarket Shares On Sale Now...

Back in December 2014 we gave Property118 readers the ‘heads up’ that £250,000 of shares would be released in Spring 2015. We invited members to register interest and to indicate the level...

Collaborative Divorce for Landlords

Collaborative Divorce for Landlords...

Around 20% of my Consultancy clients come to me for advice about divorce. Perhaps unusually, every divorce case I have assisted clients with so far has been an amicable split. Maybe that is due to the...

Estate Agent Blogs

Estate Agent Blogs...

We are looking for Estate Agents to explain to Property118 readers (nearly 200,000 subscribers) why their area is a good place to invest into property.  What is in demand and why? What are other buy to...

#WestBromTracker – Mortgage Advisers Face Mis-Selling Claims

#WestBromTracker – Mortgage Advisers Face Mis-Selling Claims...

Nooooo, here we go again! Not another mis-selling scandal aimed at Mortgage Advisers!!! Following the loss of a case in the High Court against West Bromwich Mortgage Company it appears that it is now perfectly...

Will there be fewer Solicitors in the future?

Will there be fewer Solicitors in the future?

In most countries there are only lawyers, the phenomenon of Solicitors and Barristers is relatively unique to the UK.  From my personal perspective, solicitors are a bit like GP’s, i.e. they offer...

Mark Robert Alexander vs West Bromwich Mortgage Company High Court Judgement

Mark Robert Alexander vs West Bromwich Mortgage Company High...

Today was Judgement Day in the case of Mark Robert Alexander (me) vs the West Bromwich Mortgage Company. I was representing a group of 360 affected borrowers, who between them contributed nearly £500,000...



Mark Smith, Head of Chambers at Cotswold Barristers will be representing landlords at the Commercial Court at Rolls Building, Fetter Lane, London this Wednesday in the UK’s largest ever direct access...

Done Up Like Kippers

Done Up Like Kippers...

EDITORS NOTE: The following article was submitted by George Crofts Llb (Hons), with whom I had a very educational and eye opening discussion last week regarding claims management and no-win-no-fee legal...

Your Property Market Predictions for 2015

Your Property Market Predictions for 2015...

What do you think will happen to property values?  Do you think interest rates will rise? How do you think lending criteria will change? What changes in legislation do you predict? Do you think Rent Guarantee...

Most Landlords Are Monkeys

Most Landlords Are Monkeys...

Now before you jump down my throat, please understand the context, I am not being derogatory to my fellow landlords I promise you.  The reference to Monkeys comes from some fun with psychological profiling...

Help For Tenants – NO FEES!

Help For Tenants – NO FEES!

Both landlords and tenants have rights. At Property118 we provide FREE help for landlords and tenants in dispute. Perhaps more importantly though, our impartial mediation seeks win/win solutions for both...



If you have a website or a blog which uses WordPress I would really appreciate you getting in touch.  We have already developed one plugin – the UK Property Research Tool and we’re looking...

Conveyancing Needn’t Be Taxing

Conveyancing Needn’t Be Taxing...

We are delighted to announce a new joint venture with Hawkins Ryan Solicitors.  Lots of the questions posted on Property118 are about buying, selling and owning properties in the most tax efficient manner.

Selective Licensing Consultations

Selective Licensing Consultations...

Each time a new selective licensing consultation period begins in another local authority area we receive another post from another disgruntled landlord. From now on, proposed articles regarding all new...

LANDLORDS – You Were Warned!

LANDLORDS – You Were Warned!

On 30th October this year I wrote a blog entitled “Is your MP a landlords champion?” you can read it HERE I asked all Property118 members to send a letter similar to mine to their MP and gave...

UK Property Investor Survey 2014

UK Property Investor Survey 2014...

Check out the UK Property Investor Survey 2014 conducted by Rob Dix (AKA “The Property Geek”) as an infographic and read his full write up HERE. The Property Geeks Claims to Fame Include...

FOS rule West Brom Tracker Rate Hike is fair

FOS rule West Brom Tracker Rate Hike is fair...

The FOS (Financial Ombudsman Service) have done it again!  In the past the FOS have controversially agreed that rate hikes applied by Bank of Ireland, Skipton Building Society (Amber Homeloans) and also...

Registered with
Monday 17th January 2011

Total Number of Property118 Comments:


UK landlord since 1989.

Wedded to property, finance, tax and law since 1987.

Enjoying financial freedom since 2003 and location independence since 2016.

Homes in Malta, Florida and Central Russia but very much British with a UK property rental and development business.

Founder of - “facilitating the sharing of best practice among UK landlords and associated professionals”

Happy to be interviewed on your Podcast, in Clubhouse, your YouTube channel and other online events.

My speciality is landlord tax planning and I head a team of 10 specialist Tax Consultants and four Tax Barristers. We are recruiting to meet demand.

I don’t offer mentoring or training as I am semi retired and enjoying a fantastic work/life balance, but I do comment frequently and answer questions posted here on Property118.