Mark Alexander - Founder of Property118

Death of buy-to-let – Headlines In The Telegraph

Death of buy-to-let – Headlines In The Telegraph...

Leading Money Journalist Richard Dyson from The Telegraph has published a full page on the Budget proposed restriction of finance cost relief for individual landlords.  It is vital reading! You can link...

The Property118 countdown clock is ticking

The Property118 countdown clock is ticking...

By the time the countdown clock in this article strikes zero I need to have raised exactly £150,000 of investment into Property118. The deadline is critical to secure tax breaks and to raise the investment...

SEIS Approval Granted

SEIS Approval Granted...

Property118 Portal Ltd has been granted advanced approval by HMRC for Seed Enterprise Initiative Scheme. This means that every £1 invested into the company produces a tax reduction of 50 pence to the...

Forced to become a tax exile?

Forced to become a tax exile?

Like many of us, I have often thought about moving to a better climate. The reasons I haven’t done so are much the same as many others; ageing parents, friends, family, hobbies, business interests...

Have your say on the Finance Bill 2015

Have your say on the Finance Bill 2015...

Do you have relevant expertise and experience or a special interest in the Finance Bill which is currently passing through Parliament?  If so, you can submit your views in writing to the House of Commons...

Buy or Sell Tenanted Property – Improved Search Functionality

Buy or Sell Tenanted Property – Improved Search Functionality...

When you search for properties for sale via our tenanted property portal you will now get even better results.  The first thing you might notice is that every property listed now has details of the cheapest...

Tax Efficient Investment

Tax Efficient Investment...

What is a tax efficient investment for landlords to consider if they don’t like the idea of pension schemes and want to invest into something else other than property?  The answer is a business which...

Restricting finance cost relief for individual landlords – PETITION

Restricting finance cost relief for individual landlords –...

This is the petition that intends to STOP the Government making the biggest mistake in recent history. “Restricting finance cost relief for individual landlords” The petition isn’t...

Celebrity Ambassador Supports Property118

Celebrity Ambassador Supports Property118...

I had the pleasure of meeting Sophie Lydia-Smith at the launch of Cotswold Barristers new Chambers last year. Unlike stereotypical beauty Queens who campaign for world peace, Miss Cheltenham has agreed...

Have you made any taxable capital gains this year?

Have you made any taxable capital gains this year?

If you’ve made any taxable capital gains this year, would you consider swapping the majority of your tax bill for shares in Property118 Portal Ltd if it was possible to do so? Good news –... Progress Update Progress Update...

I spoke to Chris Sheldon at this morning to get an update on progress since the completion of their successful crowd funding campaign earlier this year.  Chris was delighted to...

Q&A’s posted on our Crowd Funding Pitch

Q&A’s posted on our Crowd Funding Pitch...

We welcome tough questions from our investors, after all it is their money they are backing us with. Below is a selection of questions posted on the Q&A section of our Seedrs crowd funding pitch page...

New landlord tax rules for new debt only

New landlord tax rules for new debt only...

Those of us who are lobbying for an amendment to the budget need to have a very clear message. I propose that message is “new tax rules for new debt only” Let us be absolutely clear;...

Landlords race for shares in Property118 Portal Ltd

Landlords race for shares in Property118 Portal Ltd...

The race is on for Property118 members to snap up the remaining shares in Property118 Portal Ltd before they are made available to all members of the Seedrs crowd funding platform next week.  The...

Property118 needs your help please

Property118 needs your help please...

We would like to see Property118 advertised on National TV and we’re hoping you will want to help.  We have launched a crowd funding campaign, the minimum investment is just £10. You will...

Moving a BTL portfolio into a Ltd company structure with no CGT

Moving a BTL portfolio into a Ltd company structure with no CGT...

If you could transfer your properties to a limited company without paying any capital gains on the transfer would you be interested?  Massive thanks to Property118 member Simon Lever for sharing this...

Bank of Ireland Deal

Bank of Ireland Deal...

Buy-to-Let borrowers who were left feeling stitched up by the Bank of Ireland tracker rate hike can switch to these products-  3.29% fixed for 5 years or 3.49% fixed for 7 years No application form...

Tax Restructure Opportunity For Portfolio Landlords

Tax Restructure Opportunity For Portfolio Landlords...

As most portfolio landlords have realised, if the Summer Budget tax reforms go ahead, they will arguably be the most devastating blow ever dealt to landlords, especially those with a high gearing strategy...

A new mortgage strategy for landlords?

A new mortgage strategy for landlords?

Castle Trust have launched a new Equity Finance product which allows landlords to restructure their finances for better cashflow. Could this be another angle to offset the strains created by the summer...

Own a stake in Property118 Portal Ltd

Own a stake in Property118 Portal Ltd...

The following snapshot of our projections should be read in line with our business plan and detailed projections (available on request) together with the crowd funding pitch linked below.  We are raising...

Registered with
Monday 17th January 2011

Total Number of Property118 Comments:


UK landlord since 1989.

Wedded to property, finance, tax and law since 1987.

Enjoying financial freedom since 2003 and location independence since 2016.

Homes in Malta, Florida and Central Russia but very much British with a UK property rental and development business.

Founder of - “facilitating the sharing of best practice among UK landlords and associated professionals”

Happy to be interviewed on your Podcast, in Clubhouse, your YouTube channel and other online events.

My speciality is landlord tax planning and I head a team of 10 specialist Tax Consultants and four Tax Barristers. We are recruiting to meet demand.

I don’t offer mentoring or training as I am semi retired and enjoying a fantastic work/life balance, but I do comment frequently and answer questions posted here on Property118.