Mark Alexander - Founder of Property118

Beneficial Interest Company Trusts – Avoid Refinancing When Incorporating

Beneficial Interest Company Trusts – Avoid Refinancing...

Many of the landlords I have spoken to about incorporation (to avoid the effects of the new tax changes) have also spoken to their accountants. By using section 162 incorporation relief, many now realise...

How does s162 incorporation relief work for landlords?

How does s162 incorporation relief work for landlords?

Why might a landlord want to incorporate?  When building a rental property portfolio, profit is often retained for reinvestment into buying more property or paying down debt. However, these profits are...

Incorporation Relief to go in Autumn Statement?

Incorporation Relief to go in Autumn Statement?

I was horrified to read a prediction on the highly credible Accounting Web that s162 tax relief used to mitigate CGT when incorporating a property letting businesses could be a victim of George Osborne’s...

2015 Finance Bill Receives Royal Assent

2015 Finance Bill Receives Royal Assent...

18th November 2015 may well be marked in history as the beginning of the end for most private buy-to-let landlords.  Restrictions on the amount of financing costs which can be deducted by individuals,

Avoiding Restrictions on Finance Cost Relief for Landlords

Avoiding Restrictions on Finance Cost Relief for Landlords...

GENERAL GUIDANCE  If you have been retaining profits after paying the higher rates of income tax then you have probably been paying more tax than necessary. IS TAX AVOIDANCE LEGAL? The law regarding...

LANDLORDS – hold onto your money

LANDLORDS – hold onto your money...

Don’t allow the restrictions on finance cost relief to ruin the viability of your property investments. Complete the short fact find linked below and we will show you the way.

Are most landlords under charging?

Are most landlords under charging?

There is significant anecdotal evidence that most landlords outside London do not increase rents until there is a change of tenancy. Property118 would like to investigate this. With upward pressure on...

When will the Summer 2015 Finance Bill get passed?

When will the Summer 2015 Finance Bill get passed?

Experts were anticipating Royal Assent for the Summer Finance Bill 2015 in the week commencing 19th October but this is now more likely to occur towards the end of November.. Here’s a link showing...

Private Housing (Tenancies) (Scotland) Bill

Private Housing (Tenancies) (Scotland) Bill...

This IMPORTANT article is not only applicable to landlords in Scotland, it could also be a glimpse into future regulation to follow in England and Wales.  The Bill was released around three weeks ago...

Request for Members Critique

Request for Members Critique...

CALLING ALL PROPERTY118 MEMBERS We are constantly looking for ways to improve the Property section of in terms of making the functionality and navigation more intuitive. Your constructive...

Tax Changes – Winter Is Coming!

Tax Changes – Winter Is Coming!

TAX SOLUTIONS ARE AVAILABLE …. but be careful who you listen to! Landlords need to plan for the worst and hope for the best when it comes to the new tax changes. You should know by now how your...

Norfolk Property Network – Wednesday 21st October 2015

Norfolk Property Network – Wednesday 21st October 2015...

I will be delivering an informal presentation at The Oaklands Hotel in Norwich tonight (Wednesday 21st October 2015) for the Norfolk Property Network.  My presentation is entitled “Constant Change...

My Meeting With George Freeman MP

My Meeting With George Freeman MP...

The one thing that struck me is that my MP did not understand how Restrictions on Finance Cost Relief for Individual Landlords works in practice.  It was only when he understood that, after I gave him...

We are on the Telly

We are on the Telly...

Now is the perfect time for landlords who are looking to sell any of their Buy-to-Let properties to visit the Property118 Portal. We expect 10’s of thousands of new viewers to visit our website...

The Baffled Innkeeper

The Baffled Innkeeper...

I had a very interesting discussion with a man last weekend who describes himself as an Innkeeper. His establishment (three of them as he’s moderately successful) all sell beer, wines and spirtis...

Landlord Strategies – The Future of Buy-to-Let

Landlord Strategies – The Future of Buy-to-Let...

In the last few weeks Property118 has received tax planning enquiries from nearly 200 landlords with combined property portfolio values well in excess of £1billion.  All enquirers have had at least...

Tax Efficient Incorporation for Landlords

Tax Efficient Incorporation for Landlords...

Landlords with larger portfolio’s may find it cost effective to utilise a corporate structure and pay 20% tax on retained profits (reducing to 18%). Contrary to urban myths, structures do indeed...

A Level Playing Field Between Homeowners and Landlords

A Level Playing Field Between Homeowners and Landlords...

This is my third Open Letter to Mr George Freeman MP – Conservative, Mid Norfolk  Dear Mr Freeman A response was received this week to the petition to Government regarding the restrictions of finance...

Another Open Letter to George Freeman MP – Conservative

Another Open Letter to George Freeman MP – Conservative...

Having received a very bland response to the open letter I wrote to George Freeman MP on 13th July 2015, and various subsequent emails, I have eventually managed to arrange an appointment to meet him. ...

Property118 Portal Ltd Business Plan

Property118 Portal Ltd Business Plan...

I am delighted to announce that all shares we sold by 11am on Monday 24th August 2015. The giant leap forward that seems to have inspired our investors has been the announcement of our intention to...

Registered with
Monday 17th January 2011

Total Number of Property118 Comments:


UK landlord since 1989.

Wedded to property, finance, tax and law since 1987.

Enjoying financial freedom since 2003 and location independence since 2016.

Homes in Malta, Florida and Central Russia but very much British with a UK property rental and development business.

Founder of - “facilitating the sharing of best practice among UK landlords and associated professionals”

Happy to be interviewed on your Podcast, in Clubhouse, your YouTube channel and other online events.

My speciality is landlord tax planning and I head a team of 10 specialist Tax Consultants and four Tax Barristers. We are recruiting to meet demand.

I don’t offer mentoring or training as I am semi retired and enjoying a fantastic work/life balance, but I do comment frequently and answer questions posted here on Property118.