Mark Alexander - Founder of Property118

Jack will sell up due to tax changes wrecking his plans

Jack will sell up due to tax changes wrecking his plans...

Jack moved out of his flat three months ago to live with his girlfriend. Rather than selling his flat he decided to obtain consent from his mortgage lender to rent it out to two students just in case the...

A new strategy for Tony and his wife

A new strategy for Tony and his wife...

Tony contacted me for help to understand how the tax changes to mortgage interest relief will affect the property rental business of himself and his wife. A fact find and the report below was completed...

Steve will save over £47,000 in tax

Steve will save over £47,000 in tax...

Steve is on of my Consultancy clients. He will now be £47,454 better off in tax terms over the next 5 years with just a few simple tweaks to the ownership structure of his property portfolio. Not a bad...



There has been a lot of uniformed commentary, both on forums and in the National media, with regards to incorporation of property rental businesses and Beneficial Interest Company Trusts. This is inevitable...

Optimal Tax Planning Strategies

Optimal Tax Planning Strategies...

If you pay more than £20,000 a year in mortgage interest we DEFINITELY need to talk. We also need to talk if your mortgage interest plus your rental profits and any other taxable income including salary...

Mohammed hits back at landlord tax changes

Mohammed hits back at landlord tax changes...

Mohammed Ali, not the boxer but a landlord from Birmingham, has already done the necessary tax planning to nullify the effects of the tax changes that will increase the tax bills for over 500,000 landlords...

Why I Choose To Help My Fellow Landlords

Why I Choose To Help My Fellow Landlords...

If you have ever wondered why I so openly help other #landlords, many of whom I will never know or meet or even get a thank you from, this short story might give you a clue.  There was a farmer who...

Change of Tack – Landlord Tax Campaigning

Change of Tack – Landlord Tax Campaigning...

You may have noticed that in the last week or so our articles regarding tax changes affecting landlords have shifted slightly away from campaigning towards highlighting solutions. We continue to vigorously...

Dave Feels Trapped By Section 24

Dave Feels Trapped By Section 24...

Poor old Dave! He has a property rental business with 22 terraced houses in the North East. Cashflow is fine for now but he’s far from rich. He makes around £44,000 a year of profit at the moment...

The cost of not seeking for professional advice

The cost of not seeking for professional advice...

Sometimes ignorance is bliss, at other times it is very expensive!  About a year ago I spoke with a very established landlord who, together with her partner, were in the process of selling many of their...

Brand Name Change For Property118 Action Group

Brand Name Change For Property118 Action Group...

Property118 Action Group is changing its name to “The Landlords Union”. New member logo’s will be provided to existing members in due course. The reason for the change is that we feel...

Sole Owner To Corporate Landlord In 3 Years

Sole Owner To Corporate Landlord In 3 Years...

The benefit of becoming a corporate landlord is that it allows you to retain profits at corporation tax rates of 20% and falling, and continue to offset 100% of finance costs against income despite...

Judge To Look Into Why Tenants Are Not Prosecuted For Criminal Damage & Theft

Judge To Look Into Why Tenants Are Not Prosecuted For Criminal...

On my flight from Malta to Heathrow last week I had the pleasure of sitting next to a gentleman who was a Judge and also worked for the Ministry of Justice to review the Court system. We got talking about...

What is Section 24 and Why Was Permission For A Judicial Review Declined?

What is Section 24 and Why Was Permission For A Judicial Review...

“Section 24” of The Finance Act (No. 2) 2015  isn’t actually a tax change. It is an amendment to GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles). It changes the way that profit...

Just Suppose

Just Suppose...

Just suppose you only had to pay corporation tax on your retained rental profits. This is currently just 20% and is due to be reduced. Just suppose you could restructure your rental property business so...

Private Rental Housing – A Hole In The Bucket

Private Rental Housing – A Hole In The Bucket...

If you are already aware of the problem and can’t be bothered to read this entire article please feel free to skip to the bottom to read our “plan of action”.  It is all very well that...

Property118 Action Group Latest Campaign Updates

Property118 Action Group Latest Campaign Updates...

We now have 169 fully paid up lifetime members and a further 125 members contributing £10 a month to fund our ongoing campaigns We have released a “No Nonsense Guide To Landlord Tax” which...

No Nonsense Tax Advice For Landlords

No Nonsense Tax Advice For Landlords...

Section 24 Tax Problems – Will your mortgage interest payments be taxed? The following breaks down, into three easy sections, the important questions of whether your mortgage interest payments...

Please SHARE THIS with your MP, Local Council and local Newspaper editors

Please SHARE THIS with your MP, Local Council and local Newspaper...

The #TenantTax campaign coalition has produced a document in PDF format which can be printed to give to people and/or saved and attached to emails. It needs to be shared far and wide. We also suggest...

The Dome House – How Cool Is This?

The Dome House – How Cool Is This?

Possibly the cheesiest video promo and music I have ever encountered, and yet I still I’m quite fascinated about the possibilities associated with these Dome Houses. Before you ask, no I haven’t...

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Monday 17th January 2011

Total Number of Property118 Comments:


UK landlord since 1989.

Wedded to property, finance, tax and law since 1987.

Enjoying financial freedom since 2003 and location independence since 2016.

Homes in Malta, Florida and Central Russia but very much British with a UK property rental and development business.

Founder of - “facilitating the sharing of best practice among UK landlords and associated professionals”

Happy to be interviewed on your Podcast, in Clubhouse, your YouTube channel and other online events.

My speciality is landlord tax planning and I head a team of 10 specialist Tax Consultants and four Tax Barristers. We are recruiting to meet demand.

I don’t offer mentoring or training as I am semi retired and enjoying a fantastic work/life balance, but I do comment frequently and answer questions posted here on Property118.