Mark Alexander - Founder of Property118

Please send this to your MP

Please send this to your MP...

[add your address here] Dear [insert your MP’s name] There is a major discrepancy in the treatment of SME’s in regards to relief at the point of incorporation if a business (ie moving to Limited...

Declarations of Trust – Is Lender Consent Required?

Declarations of Trust – Is Lender Consent Required?

This question has come up in every live webinar I’ve ever participated in. Also, I often see the question in Facebook groups, so the time has come for me to write an article on the subject which...

Hybrid Tax Structure – Landlords BEWARE!

Hybrid Tax Structure – Landlords BEWARE!

WARNING! The way the “Hybrid Structure” is currently being touted by one particular firm as a ‘one-size-fits-all’ solution to the issues associated with the phased removal of finance...

Are Eastern Europeans Leaving The UK?

Are Eastern Europeans Leaving The UK?

I have a theory, and I hope I am wrong! Many Eastern Europeans came to the UK because they could earn more, and despite the higher costs of living they could send money home to their families. However...

Hilarious Landlord Maintenance Comedy Sketch

Hilarious Landlord Maintenance Comedy Sketch...

If you have a spare 5 minutes to watch a short video I think the one below will make you chuckle. Feel free to share on Social Media to attract new readers to Property118. James Veicht’s elaborate...

IMPORTANT MESSAGE from Mark Alexander

IMPORTANT MESSAGE from Mark Alexander...

This weekend I have a simple request to all Property118 members. If you haven’t already done so, please sign my Housing Policy petition to Theresa May. LINK TO PETITION HERE We don’t need to get 100,000...

Success Stories of Selective Licensing Being Aborted

Success Stories of Selective Licensing Being Aborted...

Selective Licensing consultations have resulted in the idea being knocked on the head a few times. However, this has only happened when the Councils have received an overwhelming negative response. In...

Why UK landlords are flocking to Portugal

Why UK landlords are flocking to Portugal...

Did you know that UK landlords do not have to pay tax on their UK dividend income from incorporated rental property businesses if they live in Portugal? Have you ever heard of the Portugal non-habitual...

What does Selective Licencing actually achieve?

What does Selective Licencing actually achieve?

From what I have seen, the vast majority of prosecutions are for landlords not having a licence. Hang on a minute? I thought the whole idea behind licencing was to improve the rented sector? How does prosecuting...

Is it better to build a rental property portfolio in a Limited Company?

Is it better to build a rental property portfolio in a Limited...

The answer to the question is; “possibly, but not necessarily”. There are a number of other ownership structures to consider as well as buying in sole/joint names or a company. The best tax...

I have started a petition on 38 Degrees

I have started a petition on 38 Degrees...

Please will you help me to explain to the Government how to solve the housing crisis as opposed to making it worse? Politicians and the media seem only speak in sound-bites these days, so that’s...

Property118 Nominated For Prestigious Award

Property118 Nominated For Prestigious Award...

WE NEED YOUR HELP TO WIN! We are delighted to have been nominated for the highly prestigious “Property Investor Website of the Year” award for 2018. However, it all comes down to public voting...

The 5 Year House Price Freeze Idea – How Stupid Is That?

The 5 Year House Price Freeze Idea – How Stupid Is That?

A “think tank” called The Institute for Public Policy Research has said that Britain needed to “reset” the way it thinks about rising prices to break the “cycle of ever-rising house...

What Does “Washing Out CGT On Incorporation” Actually Mean?

What Does “Washing Out CGT On Incorporation” Actually...

A common question I am asked by landlords who are considering incorporation of their property rental business is “what does washing out Capital Gains Tax (CGT) on incorporation actually mean?”.

Are REIT’s A Viable Exit Strategy For UK Landlords?

Are REIT’s A Viable Exit Strategy For UK Landlords?

If you’re looking to continue to enjoy income and the potential for capital appreciation from property investment – without the hassle – a REIT is one of the solutions to facilitate this...

IHT Legacy Planning For Landlords – CASE STUDY

IHT Legacy Planning For Landlords – CASE STUDY...

This case study explains how a couple could save their loved ones £2 million of inheritance tax for less than £10,000 in professional fees, and a further £500,000 of IHT for just £322.48 per month.

Barry’s story – it could have been you!

Barry’s story – it could have been you!

Barry’s story was written by the Mark Alexander back in December 2010. It has since been updated and re-published several times. The dates, times and people are fictional but the story is based on real...

Are private landlords going soft in their old age?

Are private landlords going soft in their old age?

Public perception of private landlords is often that they are a tight fisted bunch looking for any opportunity to hike up rents or make tenants homeless. However, a recent Just Giving campaign goes at...

Looking for campaign support

Looking for campaign support...

Dear Property118 members We are looking for volunteers to “raise the game” in regards to campaigning to have the Section 24 “restrictions on finance cost for individual landlords”...

Funding More Billboards

Funding More Billboards...

The billboard that Property118 member David Heard paid for out of his own pocket, out of pure frustration, has caused quite a stir here on Property118 and also on Social Media (Facebook in particular).

Registered with
Monday 17th January 2011

Total Number of Property118 Comments:


UK landlord since 1989.

Wedded to property, finance, tax and law since 1987.

Enjoying financial freedom since 2003 and location independence since 2016.

Homes in Malta, Florida and Central Russia but very much British with a UK property rental and development business.

Founder of - “facilitating the sharing of best practice among UK landlords and associated professionals”

Happy to be interviewed on your Podcast, in Clubhouse, your YouTube channel and other online events.

My speciality is landlord tax planning and I head a team of 10 specialist Tax Consultants and four Tax Barristers. We are recruiting to meet demand.

I don’t offer mentoring or training as I am semi retired and enjoying a fantastic work/life balance, but I do comment frequently and answer questions posted here on Property118.