Dr Rosalind Beck

The real reason why landlords are now going to be forced to evict tenants

The real reason why landlords are now going to be forced to evict...

In an article for the Northamptonshire Telegraph Councillor James Burton was reported as below: “The problem is one that has affected councils across the country, and Cllr James Burton (Con, All...

The Treasury needs to listen to the economists! Scrap Section 24 now!

The Treasury needs to listen to the economists! Scrap Section...

Ever since the Government announced that landlords would no longer be allowed to offset the finance costs of their businesses, prominent economists have opposed this. Immediately following the Summer Budget...

Government sponsored moves to Spain?

Government sponsored moves to Spain?

300,000 new homes are needed each year in the UK apparently. On the other hand in Spain there are 388,000 properties that have never sold and are lying empty. It seems to me that people could be incentivised...

Student rents to sky-rocket as the Government hands the student rental market to institutions

Student rents to sky-rocket as the Government hands the student...

At Property118, we have been saying for some time that the Government’s discriminatory fiscal attack on unincorporated landlords with finance costs (embodied in Section 24 of the Finance (No. 2)...

Today I launch my comprehensive report on Section 24 of the Finance (No. 2) Act 2015

Today I launch my comprehensive report on Section 24 of the Finance...

Today I launch my comprehensive report: Section 24 of the Finance (No. 2) Act 2015: “the unjust legislation that will make the UK housing crisis much worse.” I would like to thank all of those who...

Campbell Robb – Why are you supporting the Tenant Tax?

Campbell Robb – Why are you supporting the Tenant Tax?

Dear Campbell Robb, You may recall a letter you received from a landlord called David in October 2015. In fact, I wrote the letter upon his request and published it on-line; you can see it here, along...

Free housing for rogue tenants – it’s okay landlords will pay!

Free housing for rogue tenants – it’s okay landlords...

Landlords continue to be attacked by all sides in Parliament as various laws go through their stages in Parliament. This week Teresa Pearce, Labour, tried to get it made even more difficult for landlords...

Conservative peer speaks out against Tory tax grab

Conservative peer speaks out against Tory tax grab...

We are pleased to report that week, a member of the House of Lords had the intelligence and nerve to speak out against the anti-landlord ‘tax grab.’ Property118 landlord, Dr Rosalind Beck,

Lord Davies of Oldham supports Clause 24

Lord Davies of Oldham supports Clause 24...

I say: what about supporting the tenants? Labour, by supporting Clause 24, in effect, continues to support the Government’s attack on landlords who have borrowed to purchase properties. This is despite...

Rob Marris MP and Sir Roger Gale – same Party?

Rob Marris MP and Sir Roger Gale – same Party?

Here is my exchange of emails to date with Rob Marris, Labour MP and Shadow Financial Secretary to the Treasury and also Sir Roger Gale, Conservative Chair of the Finance Committee. See if you can spot...

Why does Labour want to force out tenants on benefits to make room for Tory owner-occupiers?

Why does Labour want to force out tenants on benefits to make...

This is the transcript from the anti-landlord speech made by Siobhain McDonagh, Labour MP, on the 2nd of November in the House of Commons, with regard to the Housing and Planning Bill. The transcript is...

Why Osborne’s Buy to Let Tax Grab is Flawed

Why Osborne’s Buy to Let Tax Grab is Flawed...

Written evidence submitted by Dr Rosalind Beck (FB 06)  This submission specifically challenges the theoretical premises behind the decision on ‘restricting deductions for finance costs related...

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Thursday 29th September 2016

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