Dr Rosalind Beck

Replies to my critique of Economist BTL article

Replies to my critique of Economist BTL article...

Regular subscribers to this site may have seen my critique of the Economist article on buy-to-let. Click Here to view original article. What follows is my reply to the reply by Tom Wainwright, their Britain...

Landlords Union Slams BBC Panorama Report

Landlords Union Slams BBC Panorama Report...

This week landlords watched with trepidation as the BBC presented a so-called Panorama investigation into the use of Section 21 notices in the private rented sector. The inauspicious title: ‘Evicted...

Reply to serious flaws in BTL article by The Economist

Reply to serious flaws in BTL article by The Economist...

Dear Ms Beddoes. I am writing with regard to the following article: Struggles of the landed gentry Britain’s buy-to-let boom is coming to an end New regulations and a cooler market are causing landlords...

Baroness Valentine wades in against landlords letting to benefits tenants!

Baroness Valentine wades in against landlords letting to benefits...

Baroness Valentine, a former banker and the wife of a venture capitalist, is the latest to have a go at private landlords (a common enough diversionary tactic to have a go at an unpopular group when you...

Landlords fund-raising for the homeless

Landlords fund-raising for the homeless...

We are interested in setting up a charity or alternatively setting up a crowdfunding page, to help the homeless. The idea is that private landlords, who already play a massive and critical role in housing...

The private rented sector is ready to help fix the ‘broken housing market’

The private rented sector is ready to help fix the ‘broken...

Housing will take centre stage in the forthcoming Budget, with the emphasis on building more homes and on increasing the number of owner-occupiers. If, however, the Government wants a country which works...

Setting up the generations against each other

Setting up the generations against each other...

The new report by Legal and General and CEBR (Click Here to view) has been presented as yet another example of ‘intergenerational inequality,’ with particular focus on the fact that the Bank of Mum...

Guardian’s current onslaught against private landlords

Guardian’s current onslaught against private landlords...

It’s getting very hard to keep up with the Guardian’s current onslaught against private landlords; it’s also supremely ironic that they should be engaging in this one-sided tirade whilst simultaneously...

Tell Shelter what you think!

Tell Shelter what you think!

A sure sign that a person or organisation knows they are wrong is when they cannot answer to the truth and instead silence their critics. Shelter is currently doing this to anyone who raises serious questions...

Shelter and their abandonment of social tenants

Shelter and their abandonment of social tenants...

If there is one thing that Grenfell Tower has taught us it is that it often takes a catastrophic event for people’s serious concerns to be listened to; before the Grenfell fire, the tenants’ were...

Edinburgh City Council is very excited about Rent Controls

Edinburgh City Council is very excited about Rent Controls...

Edinburgh City Council is very excited and pleased with itself. It has just approved action with a view to implementing rent controls. https://www.commonspace.scot/articles/11326/hope-future-cross-party-rent-controls-breakthrough-edinburgh-city-council...

A personal view of Shelter’s latest anti-landlord campaign

A personal view of Shelter’s latest anti-landlord campaign...

I am writing my thoughts here about Shelter, because they appear to have banned me from their Facebook page. I can still see their campaigns, but have no right to reply on their site, so have chosen to...

Joseph Rowntree Foundation report on PRS lessons from Ireland – A landlord’s perspective

Joseph Rowntree Foundation report on PRS lessons from Ireland...

I offer here a brief critique of the report which has just been published by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation. To download the full report please CLICK HERE Those of you who are aware of the debates surrounding...

Guess Who?

Guess Who?

I recently exchanged a number of emails with someone who supports Section 24 of the Finance (No. 2) Act 2015.  The emails are self-explanatory. The challenge for you is to guess who my correspondent is?

Similar tax for similar incomes

Similar tax for similar incomes...

Philip Hammond stated in the Budget: ‘A fair system will also ensure fairness between individuals so that people doing similar work for similar wages and enjoying similar state benefits pay similar...

Jacob Rees-Mogg recognises damage done by the Treasury

Jacob Rees-Mogg recognises damage done by the Treasury...

It is now clear that the Treasury, under George Osborne’s stewardship, made some catastrophically bad decisions with the twin aims of courting popular opinion by appearing to go for the ‘nobs’...

Newsnight’s biased anti-landlord coverage!

Newsnight’s biased anti-landlord coverage!

To whom it may concern. I watched your programme last night and must point out firstly an error that was made. In the introduction to the film shown, Emily Maitlis stated: “in this next film we meet...

Letter to Gavin Barwell Housing Minister

Letter to Gavin Barwell Housing Minister...

Dear Mr Barwell, I noticed in your appearance on Newsnight last night that you said the main cause of homelessness was the ending of a private tenancy. In fact, it is important to keep explaining to people...

Crisis Campaign ‘Home No Less Will Do’ – You help landlords and we will help you!

Crisis Campaign ‘Home No Less Will Do’ – You...

The housing charity, Crisis, has recently launched a campaign called ‘Home No Less Will Do.’ I have often written to Crisis since the campaign was launched against Section 24 of the Finance...

The real reason why landlords are now going to be forced to evict tenants

The real reason why landlords are now going to be forced to evict...

In an article for the Northamptonshire Telegraph Councillor James Burton was reported as below: “The problem is one that has affected councils across the country, and Cllr James Burton (Con, All...

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Thursday 29th September 2016

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