Dr Rosalind Beck

Problems with mediation and proposed plans to enforce it in the PRS

Problems with mediation and proposed plans to enforce it in the...

Whilst researching for my latest article ‘Government’s destructive path‘I asked specialist litigation solicitor, and Partner at Helix Law, Alex Cook, what he thinks about the Government...

I am helping a Telegraph journalist

I am helping a Telegraph journalist...

I am helping a Telegraph journalist with an article and she would like to know: 1. What experience landlords have of being refused the so-called ‘mortgage holidays’? 2. Which lenders are doing...

Government have created chaos in the PRS

Government have created chaos in the PRS...

Private landlords in the UK have been left in dire straits not only by the coronavirus, but by the Government’s abysmal response to it. Whilst the Government has mentioned in its legislation that tenants...

Breaking Section 21 News – The plot thickens!

Breaking Section 21 News – The plot thickens!

The plot has thickened with regard to what will happen to Section 21. Yesterday, Esther McVey made the following statement with regard to its proposed scrapping: ‘In April this year the government announced...

Landlords Alliance donates to defend our property rights

Landlords Alliance donates to defend our property rights...

Unless you’ve been living under a stone, you will have seen the Government waging a relentless war against private landlords. Some of the effects of this are now being seen in the courts, where extremely...

Government theft of another’s possessions is plain wrong

Government theft of another’s possessions is plain wrong...

The attacks on landlords are coming thick and fast and no political  party is the landlord”s friend. However, the worst possible fate that could befall our businesses would be for us to have them...

Another reason not to accept tenants on benefits: a case study

Another reason not to accept tenants on benefits: a case study...

I was surprised to see that Shelter still hasn’t given up on its campaign to prevent private landlords from using the phrase ‘no DSS,’ and that it is continuing to spend its considerable financial...

The lowest-paid will suffer most by the Government war on landlords

The lowest-paid will suffer most by the Government war on landlords...

I have written an article published yesterday by conservative home titled ‘The Government’s war on landlords will only make the housing crisis worse for the lowest-paid.’ The article is concerning...

The scrapping of Section 21: landlord responses

The scrapping of Section 21: landlord responses...

Given that the Government appears to be rushing to scrap Section 21s possibly before the end of this year (and notwithstanding any change Boris Johnson might make to this if he becomes and stays as Prime...

Should landlords have the right to refuse DSS tenants?

Should landlords have the right to refuse DSS tenants?

And so the onslaught against private landlords continues. Earlier this month, we were shocked to hear that a cornerstone of tenancy law in the UK was to be overturned, with the scrapping of Section 21.

And the landlord vote goes to – Please vote again

And the landlord vote goes to – Please vote again...

Editors note: The voting form has recently been set up again so you can only cast one vote. Dr Beck would be most grateful if you could vote again if you haven’t already. Many thanks. In recent months...

Is Shelter a narcissistic organisation?

Is Shelter a narcissistic organisation?

I was just reading an article about narcissism and noticed some spooky similarities with Shelter. Of course we are used to seeing narcissists defined as individuals who engage in a range of manipulative...

We need to wake up and smell the coffee!

We need to wake up and smell the coffee!

It is easy in life to think that you as one person can make little difference – wrong. Shopping in B&Q for example! You spend a few or a few hundred pounds on materials for your rented house...

Proposal to make BTL a time limited offer – Feedback request

Proposal to make BTL a time limited offer – Feedback request...

Once more I am after landlords’ views – this time about a proposal put forward by the Centre for Policy Studies. In a nutshell it is this: ‘What we propose, therefore, is that the Government...

Straw Poll to combat further government attacks – Please help

Straw Poll to combat further government attacks – Please...

There is now the possibility of the Government extending its fiscal attack on the PRS, Click Here, by scrapping lettings relief of up to £40,000 and reducing the PPR period from 18 months to 6 months.

‘Housing Charity’ Shelter – Clearly a Double Misnomer

‘Housing Charity’ Shelter – Clearly a Double...

Serious questions were raised by my colleague on P118 ‘Free Advice for Shelter‘, concerning the so-called ‘housing’ charity Shelter. As we know, it is clearly a double misnomer to call...

Respond now or get 3 year tenancies!

Respond now or get 3 year tenancies!

Communities Secretary, James Brokenshire, is reported by the Sun to back calls introducing 3 year tenancies in the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government consultation titled, ‘Overcoming...

Despicable vehemently anti-landlord Guardian article

Despicable vehemently anti-landlord Guardian article...

The Guardian has sunk to new lows this week with the publication of the most vehemently anti-landlord article, by Rhik Samadder (such an expert in the field that none of us have ever heard of him), that...

JRF report is a missed opportunity to sort out Government’s mess

JRF report is a missed opportunity to sort out Government’s...

The Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) has once more commissioned work on ‘how to improve’ the private rented sector, using researchers from the Cambridge Centre for Housing and Planning Research. I...

Replies to my critique of Economist BTL article

Replies to my critique of Economist BTL article...

Regular subscribers to this site may have seen my critique of the Economist article on buy-to-let. Click Here to view original article. What follows is my reply to the reply by Tom Wainwright, their Britain...

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Thursday 29th September 2016

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