Dr Rosalind Beck

Telegraph requesting landlord feedback on Budget corporation tax increases

Telegraph requesting landlord feedback on Budget corporation...

Hello incorporated landlords! I have had a request from a journalist at the Telegraph, Melissa Lawford, to find portfolio landlords (with profits of over £50k a year) who will be affected by the corporation...

Update on Pilar – Squatting and private property rights undermined in Spain

Update on Pilar – Squatting and private property rights...

Some of you may remember the letter I published, written by Spanish property-owner, Pilar Damian, who had her home squatted. Well, I can now update you on what happened next. Pilar used eviction specialists,

Getting to the nitty-gritty of tackling Britain’s rent arrears crisis?

Getting to the nitty-gritty of tackling Britain’s rent...

Last week I spent an hour listening to a podcast by the Resolution Foundation. It can be found here Resolving rents: Tackling Britain’s rent arrears crisis After listening to it I tried to comment underneath...

Private landlords on tenterhooks bracing for yet another attack?

Private landlords on tenterhooks bracing for yet another attack?

Private landlords are on tenterhooks once more prior to the Budget, bracing ourselves for yet another attack. The rumour is that we are to be slammed with a massive increase in Capital Gains Tax. I have...

How house prices are affected with tenants in situ?

How house prices are affected with tenants in situ?

On Facebook this week, a tenant said that her private landlord wanted to sell the house she is renting. Someone else then said had the tenant asked if their landlord would be willing to sell to another...

No Respite for Landlords

No Respite for Landlords...

The Debt Respite Scheme (Breathing Space) guidance was a shock to landlords when we heard about it this week. It is a truly atrocious bit of legislation, heaping even more worry and misery on landlords...

Spain has abandoned any pretence of respecting private property rights

Spain has abandoned any pretence of respecting private property...

Recently I have been getting to know some landlords in Spain. I think it’s good for us to network with others – to support each other if nothing else. The Spanish landlords have been explaining...

Landlord case study required for The Telegraph

Landlord case study required for The Telegraph...

Dear Property118 readers, I received the follow request for assistance today from a Daily Telegraph journalist. I’m writing an article today looking at the mounting problems landlords face in the...

Let’s create more first-time buyers by making private tenants homeless!

Let’s create more first-time buyers by making private tenants...

The recent policy announced by Boris Johnson that he will turn ‘generation rent’ into ‘generation buy’ by under-writing mortgage deposits for first-time buyers (FTBs) is outrageous and a non-starter...

We are now in a completely different operating environment

We are now in a completely different operating environment...

In the past, if someone was in a reasonable job, I was willing to risk taking them on without a guarantor. In fact, it seemed rude to ask a professional in their 30s or 40s for one. The worst thing that...



The sustained attack on private landlords has intensified during the Covid-19 epidemic and is now off the scale in terms of the injustice being perpetuated against landlords. Some of the key injustices...

Government forcing landlords to house non-paying tenants for lengthy periods

Government forcing landlords to house non-paying tenants for...

When Robert Jenrick made his shock announcement on the 21st of August of a new 6-month notice period in England (copying ‘socialist’ Wales) he further abrogated the state’s responsibility. How could...

Tiny government concessions including domestic violence cases

Tiny government concessions including domestic violence cases...

The Government announced a tiny concession amongst its horrendous anti-landlord policies on Friday, when it stated that in cases of domestic violence, the landlord only has to give 2 weeks’ notice and...

Tenants should be assisted but still responsible for rental debt

Tenants should be assisted but still responsible for rental debt...

The Welsh Government last week announced their Tenancy Saver Loans scheme – adopting an idea I first put forward on conservativehome in June, namely that tenants should be ‘the ones expected to take...

Thank heavens for landlords

Thank heavens for landlords...

This is one of the best pieces I have seen valuing the work of us as private landlords. If only we could get this message across to combat all the anti-landlord rhetoric that is so polluting discussions...

Are courts going to turn vehemently anti-landlord?

Are courts going to turn vehemently anti-landlord?

Some tenants left a landlord’s property a year ago with nearly £2,000 in arrears.  The court awarded the £2,000 to the landlord, but the landlord was then asked to go to mediation to come to an...

Landlords – Don’t complain!

Landlords – Don’t complain!

Landlords: don’t complain when you pay more tax than everyone else; you are, in fact, receiving a gift from Government. There has been some controversy since the announcement of a Stamp Duty Land Tax...

What Planet Are They On?

What Planet Are They On?

If it wasn’t enough that we are now expected to provide housing services for free for very lengthy periods – due to the eviction ban – where tenants decide not to pay the rent, the left...

3-month eviction ban extension and their fantasy world

3-month eviction ban extension and their fantasy world...

When the 3-month eviction ban was introduced, it was mentioned that it might be extended if deemed necessary. Predictably, now that the 3-month period is coming to an end, we hear a cacophony of voices...

Problems with mediation and proposed plans to enforce it in the PRS

Problems with mediation and proposed plans to enforce it in the...

Whilst researching for my latest article ‘Government’s destructive path‘I asked specialist litigation solicitor, and Partner at Helix Law, Alex Cook, what he thinks about the Government...

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Thursday 29th September 2016

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