David Asker

CRAR – what needs changing?

CRAR – what needs changing?

In July, the British Property Federation (BPF) put forward its views on CRAR. CRAR – or Commercial Rent Arrears Recovery to give it its full title – was introduced in April 2014 as part of the enactment...

Free webinar for private landlords and letting agents – rapid eviction of tenants from private property

Free webinar for private landlords and letting agents –...

Following the success of our previous webinar back in June, where we proudly partnered with Property 118, we’re pleased to announce that The Sheriffs Office will be hosting another webinar for private...

Landlord licensing

Landlord licensing...

There has been a good deal in the media recently about landlord licensing, both with the announcement by David Cameron in the Queen’s Speech in May and the introduction of several schemes by local authorities.

Tenant eviction webinar questions part 2

Tenant eviction webinar questions part 2...

Following on from our popular webinar on the eviction of tenants from residential property, which we ran in partnership with Property118, we are pleased to bring you the answers to the remaining questions.

The challenges of recovering rent arrears from residential tenants

The challenges of recovering rent arrears from residential tenants...

High Court Enforcement Officers (HCEOs) can support residential landlords through the eviction of tenants and the recovery of rent arrears. Whilst our eviction services are a fast, effective and successful...

Evicting tenants using The Sheriffs Office – the landlord’s experience

Evicting tenants using The Sheriffs Office – the landlord’s...

Neil Mukherjee, landlord, kindly shared with us his step by step experience of using High Court enforcement to repossess his property from tenants who had ignored a court order to move out. We were able...

Fees for issuing a possession claim in the county court set to increase by £75

Fees for issuing a possession claim in the county court set to...

On Wednesday 22nd July 2015, the Ministry of Justice announced a new consultation on court fee increases. Civil proceedings March 2015 saw the introduction of a court fee of 5% of the value of the claim...

The energy efficiency private rented property regulations 2015

The energy efficiency private rented property regulations 2015...

The Government has recently passed new minimum energy efficiency standards (MEES) which come into force on 1st April 2016. These will affect both landlords of both domestic and commercial privately rented...

Your eviction questions answered

Your eviction questions answered...

Thank you to the 500 plus landlords and property lawyers who registered onto the webinar on 18th June.  We had more questions than there was time to answer. They broadly fall into two categories – the...

Guide to Commercial Rent Arrears Recovery and Forfeiture

Guide to Commercial Rent Arrears Recovery and Forfeiture...

If you are a commercial landlord, property lawyer, or commercial agent, you are likely to come across CRAR and forfeiture on a regular basis. CRAR – Commercial Rent Arrears Recovery – is a...

Health and safety when planning evictions

Health and safety when planning evictions...

I know that many think we live in a world where “elf ‘n’ safety” has gone mad, but when you are removing large numbers of activists from a building, you’d be mad not to consider it!  We undertook...

New legislation for compulsory purchase orders

New legislation for compulsory purchase orders...

A Government technical consultation on improvements to compulsory purchase processes has just closed (9th June 2015). These are proposals to make the process clearer, faster and fairer and the aim is to...

Landlords do you know your tenants as well as you should?

Landlords do you know your tenants as well as you should?

If you find that you need to recover rent arrears from a tenant, whether commercial or residential, the more you know about them, the more likely your action is to be successful. Do your checks before...

Rapid eviction of residential tenants webinar – 17th June at 12.30pm

Rapid eviction of residential tenants webinar – 17th June at...

Rapid eviction of residential tenants webinar – 17th June at 12.30pm  I would like to invite you to join us for this complimentary webinar on how you can use High Court enforcement to rapidly evict...

Prime Minister to introduce mandatory landlord licensing scheme

Prime Minister to introduce mandatory landlord licensing scheme...

In his speech on the changes the Government is proposing with regards to immigration (expected to be included in the Queen’s speech next week), David Cameron has announced plans that will have a significant...

The Sheriffs Office release new video guide to evictions

The Sheriffs Office release new video guide to evictions...

The Sheriffs Office has released a short video aimed to encourage private landlords to consider using High Court Enforcement Officers (HCEOs) when they need to remove tenants quickly to prevent further...

Minimise squatter risk when converting property for residential use

Minimise squatter risk when converting property for residential...

Your risk So you have bought an old pub or office building and your mind is brimming with ideas of redeveloping it for residential use – a dream home for your family or extra income through letting...

Evicting Tenants and Recovering Rent Arrears Guide

Evicting Tenants and Recovering Rent Arrears Guide...

On the back of the popularity in the number of downloads for the free PDF Guide to Enforcing Judgements we produced a new Guide to Evicting Tenants and Recovering Rent Arrears. This guide has been updated...

Section 8 new form – don’t risk your application being thrown out

Section 8 new form – don’t risk your application...

New legislation came into force on Monday 6th April 2015, and one of the changes is a new Section 8 form. It is essential that any landlord in England using a Section 8 form must use the NEW version.

Evictions carried out by HCEOs – the MoJ finally issue  guidance

Evictions carried out by HCEOs – the MoJ finally issue guidance...

According to the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) there have been times when county court bailiffs and High Court Enforcement Officers (HCEOs) have turned up at the same address to evict a tenant, causing confusion...

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Friday 21st March 2014

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