David Asker

Traveller removal from land

Traveller removal from land...

It is once again the time of year for travellers to move around the country, often moving to the following types of places: Car parks, Sports fields, Privately owned land, Parks and open spaces Travellers...

Section 21 ban – System reform is necessary

Section 21 ban – System reform is necessary...

Section 21 evictions are being reviewed by the government, with a view to removing them from English and Welsh Law. James Brokenshire, the Housing Secretary commented that Section 21 evictions were one...

Fitness for Human Habitation Act

Fitness for Human Habitation Act...

A fifth of the UK population now lives in rental accommodation. The Fitness for Human Habitation Act came into force just last week. This new Act is designed to ensure all rental accommodation meets certain...

Rent Repayment Orders

Rent Repayment Orders...

Rent repayment orders are a relatively new phenomenon, they occur when a First Tier Tribunal finds in favour of a tenant because a landlord hasn’t fulfilled their obligations, these obligations can include...

Mitigating risks of renting to students

Mitigating risks of renting to students...

With more than 17,000 UK students facing rent arrears what should landlords who target this tenant be doing to mitigate the risk? Statistics state that the number of students that have been evicted from...

Possession consultation

Possession consultation...

It has just been announced that the Government are holding a consultation on the enforcement of possession orders. At present there are two routes to possession; the High Court route and the County Court...

Compulsory redress scheme

Compulsory redress scheme...

The Government looks set to introduce a compulsory redress scheme for private landlords. The redress scheme will enable tenants to complain through a ‘housing complaints resolution service’ allowing...

Webinar Q&A – Removal of squatters and trespassers

Webinar Q&A – Removal of squatters and trespassers...

What is the best method to remove trespassers from a doorway within the curtilage of a non-residential property together with their belongings?  My client (local authority) owns the freehold of the premises.

Tenancy deposit cap to be cut to 5 weeks

Tenancy deposit cap to be cut to 5 weeks...

The government confirmed last month that Tenant Fees Bill stipulates that the total deposit that can be taken from a tenant paying up to £50,000 in rental over a 12-month period is being capped at a maximum...

Webinar Q&A part 2

Webinar Q&A part 2...

Can legal costs be recovered from the tenants using Money Claim Online? You can claim the court fee costs but unfortunately not any other legal fees. The nature of the small claims court is that it is...

When can High Court enforcement agents attend for residential evictions?

When can High Court enforcement agents attend for residential...

When instructing High Court enforcement agents to undertake a residential eviction it is important to understand the main restrictions that are set out by law, so that you as a landlord can manage your...

Residential evictions – Webinar Q&A

Residential evictions – Webinar Q&A...

On 7th November we held a webinar covering residential evictions, below are a selection of questions we were asked along with our answers. What are the grounds a tenant can request the Court to delay eviction?

What can and cannot be seized by an enforcement agent?

What can and cannot be seized by an enforcement agent?

The taking control of goods regulations 2013 outlines what can and cannot be taken control of as part of a controlled goods agreement. You can view the complete legislation here. Once a debtor has signed...

Squatters in empty buildings over the festive period

Squatters in empty buildings over the festive period...

With the festive period drawing closer and people thinking about what to buy their loved ones, there is one gift that will be unwelcome, namely squatters. Over the holidays every year we see a significant...

Landlords and property ‘MOT’ tests

Landlords and property ‘MOT’ tests...

There are calls for landlords to carry out an annual property MOT on all properties they rent. The MOT would be similar to those carried out on cars and would give tenants peace of mind when renting a...

When tenants act up

When tenants act up...

This article will cover the steps landlords can take if they experience antisocial behaviour on their property. Antisocial behaviour can range from late night loud music to damaging property or threatening...

Webinar – Rapid eviction of tenants

Webinar – Rapid eviction of tenants...

Rapid eviction of tenants from a residential property: This webinar run by The Sheriffs Office is for landlords, legal professionals and property agents and will run through the eviction process for residential...

Selective licensing 101

Selective licensing 101...

Selective licensing is a location-based government provision that requires landlords in selected areas to hold licenses that enable them to legally rent their property. If your property is in an area that...

Why Section 21 is necessary

Why Section 21 is necessary...

Currently, there is a nationwide campaign headed up by Generation Rent and supported by Salvation Army and Crisis amongst others. The campaign has over 50,000 signatures so far calling for section 21 to...

Introduction to High Court Enforcement Webinar

Introduction to High Court Enforcement Webinar...

Introduction to High Court Enforcement: This webinar is for legal professionals and businesses who would like an introduction to the High Court enforcement process. Wed, Sep 12, 2018 12:30 PM – 1:30...

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Friday 21st March 2014

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