Dan Trivedi

You don’t know what you don’t know

You don’t know what you don’t know...

Back in 2013/2014 I was very active and at the time there weren’t as many investors around buying in Norfolk as there are today. I was frustrated because I was missing out on deals because I thought...

Flexibility and resilience in joint ventures

Flexibility and resilience in joint ventures...

When buying property with another person, typically with an investor, what’s important for us is sticking to our ethos and values. This allows us to over come most issues in the right way. This doesn’t...

Power of Joint Ventures

Power of Joint Ventures...

For years I refused to do Joint Ventures, I didn’t want to share my deals, my knowledge or strategy. I thought I would be creating my own competition.  Business was going and growing well, but...

Property Trading – Ask Me Anything

Property Trading – Ask Me Anything...

I’m 31, based in Norwich, married, have two lovely children and have been involved in Property for 10 years. In the early days I pretty much followed the book of ‘things to do wrong’.

Registered with Property118.com
Sunday 30th March 2014

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