Dan Trivedi

Why now is the time to buy?

Why now is the time to buy?

So this isn’t going to be a subject everyone wants to hear! With the doom and gloom of property world war 3, are we landing our troops, or coming out of the ashes?? In other words, is now the time to...

Serco contract was a train wreck!

Serco contract was a train wreck!

So like many landlords in the UK, I’ve been presented with the Serco offer to house asylum seekers in my houses. They make a pretty good case; large company, strong covenant, high rent paid monthly and...

NPN adapting and going online

NPN adapting and going online...

With lockdown in its third week, and the likelihood that it is being extended further we are going to have to adapt. A new world will emerge from this crisis, but are we all ready for it? I’ve recently...

Meet Mark Smith (Barrister-At-Law) at NPN’s first event of 2020

Meet Mark Smith (Barrister-At-Law) at NPN’s first event...

Norfolk Property Network’s first meeting of 2020 will be Wednesday 19th February at the Oaklands Hotel Norwich. I will be joined by Mark Smith (Barrister-At-Law) Hon legal Counsel to Property118...

Underwriting at auctions explained

Underwriting at auctions explained...

I’m sure if you’re like me you’ve seen constant adverts on Facebook from the newest guru. Promotions “how to buy property with none of your own cash”, or how to make ‘£2k per month without...

GCP launches New free App

GCP launches New free App...

Like many property people I started out part time in between my Corporate career. Evenings and weekends became the times where I would build my property portfolio and was the beginning of what is now Grace...

Crowd funding and technology are changing property investment

Crowd funding and technology are changing property investment...

After two successful crowd funding projects, which were aimed at planning gains and considered to be high risk, we are happy to say that the success and the test of time delivered results which led to...

Keep it simple CASH is king!

Keep it simple CASH is king!

The very things I love about property investing are often the things others can’t stand! For me, buying and holding or buying and selling go hand in hand. I would never buy a property I couldn’t sell...

Landlords beware of sublets and housing workers

Landlords beware of sublets and housing workers...

Recently in Norwich many landlords who attend our networking events have been hit by companies and people renting their houses. These people or companies rent house and then sub let or house workers. It...

No opportunity with the Budget?

No opportunity with the Budget?

Where property people often go wrong is they focus on the strategy first: R2R, deal packaging, SA, HMO, lease options etc. Too often I hear people say “I’m going to focus on serviced accommodation”...

We Have Arrived !

We Have Arrived !

It is with great pride and delight I’m able to announce that Grace Charles Property is the first Official Property Partners of Norwich City Football Club 2017/2018 After just 3 years of starting...

Working with your local council

Working with your local council...

We all know that from time to time working with, or against, your local council will be something a landlord or developer has to deal with. 9 times out of 10 the housing, environmental health or planning...

Learning while investing – 2.5 hours and funds raise!

Learning while investing – 2.5 hours and funds raise!

Friday I launched a crowd funding deal with a twist. It was an opportunity to be involved and fund a full planning application for a Grade 2 listed office building to residential conversion. Obviously...

When JVs go wrong but don’t go bad

When JVs go wrong but don’t go bad...

If you are involved in property you will know that things do go wrong! You can plan, plan, plan, and check, check, check, but in property things DO and WILL go wrong. We are dealing with bricks and mortar...

Only You can make You successful

Only You can make You successful...

Over the last few years there’s been countless of posts, questions, public disputes, new gurus etc etc openly debated, discussed and outed. There’s no doubt that people pay thousands of pounds...

Norwich City Council should reject Article4

Norwich City Council should reject Article4...

The growth and sustainability of the UEA needs the support of private investors to continue to offer accommodation to the growing student population. With interest rate relief cuts, increase in stamp duty...

Norfolk Property Network has a mission

Norfolk Property Network has a mission...

Last night we celebrated our 1st birthday since launching the Norfolk Property Network. It’s hard to believe it was just a year ago we held our first FREE event. 12 months on and we’ve gone...

Devil is in the en-suite detail

Devil is in the en-suite detail...

I recently posted within a Facebook forum about a great student house we’d just completed, which we converted a three bed ex local authority property into a five bed five en-suite house. We’ve...

The realities of rouge traders and suppliers

The realities of rouge traders and suppliers...

As a respectable, honorable landlord the buck firmly stops with you! However, the harsh realities is as we all know include constant chasing, booking workmen in and being let down. Just this week I had...

You don’t know what you don’t know

You don’t know what you don’t know...

Back in 2013/2014 I was very active and at the time there weren’t as many investors around buying in Norfolk as there are today. I was frustrated because I was missing out on deals because I thought...

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Sunday 30th March 2014

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