Chris @ Possession Friend

Mass appropriation of rental properties for asylum seekers?

Mass appropriation of rental properties for asylum seekers?

So, what do landlords think of this latest initiative? On the one-hand, the government are berating landlords for the rent levels which are linked to...

Social Housing over-charge £2 Million in Rent

Social Housing over-charge £2 Million in Rent...

‘Beyond housing’ operates Social Housing in the Cleveland, Redcar and North Yorkshire areas. Since 2010, they have been charging inaccurate rents and between 2016 and 2020 were not compliant with...

Distress for Rent Act

Distress for Rent Act...

There has been much discussion on this topic, with landlords finding that they are not successful in front of some County court judges. Of course, county court decisions are not binding, and it’s...

Tenants Group criticise Landlord for Not serving a Section 21!

Tenants Group criticise Landlord for Not serving a Section 21!

Yes, you read that correctly! We represented a Landlord at the First Tier Tribunal recently where a Rent Repayment Order (RRO)  was being sought for 12 months rent due to no Additional Licence. The hearing...

Brentwood Council ‘Gatekeeping’ ordered onto the Naughty Step

Brentwood Council ‘Gatekeeping’ ordered onto the...

Brentwood Council ‘Gatekeeping’ have been found at fault by the Local Government Ombudsman for telling the tenant to remain in the property, after the court order, until the bailiffs evict...

The Housing Crisis, Who’s to blame – Studio Interview Thursday (today) 8pm

The Housing Crisis, Who’s to blame – Studio Interview...

There are too few houses for tenants to rent and even those available for first-time buyers are too expensive. It’s all Landlords fault, or so the government and everyone else jumping on the bandwagon...

The Madness of Housing

The Madness of Housing...

Those who have read Douglas Murray’s recent fascinating book, The Madness of Crowds may have been struck by the parallel with Housing. Whilst Murray explains the Social justice movement effect on...

Councils telling Porkies?

Councils telling Porkies?

Landlords can have useful and symbiotic relationships with some councils providing accommodation where the area and property suit. There are vast differences between local authorities in their attitude...

Help bring a Judicial Review against Bailiffs refusing to enforce warrants

Help bring a Judicial Review against Bailiffs refusing to enforce...

The infamous words of Jenrick at the start of the pandemic: “No renter who has lost income due to coronavirus will be forced out of their home, NOR WILL ANY LANDLORD FACE UNMANAGEABLE DEBTS”...

Allow Landlords to evict tenants where there are 14 days rent arrears

Allow Landlords to evict tenants where there are 14 days rent...

All Landlords, please SIGN this petition and share with as many landlords as possible. Click Here You can’t go into a supermarket and steal your weeks’ groceries. There are laws in place to...

My email to Woman’s Hour regarding Shelter response to no DSS

My email to Woman’s Hour regarding Shelter response to...

I have recently sent my email below responding to Shelter’s Polly Neate’s response as to why she thought landlords do not want to rent to tenants in receipt of benefits. To:

Even more worrying requests by the Select Committee

Even more worrying requests by the Select Committee...

At the beginning of May we responded to a Call for Evidence to an Inquiry by MHCLG. Our ‘evidence’ and criticism of the governments treatment of the PRS in general and more specifically during...

Abandonment provisions – update

Abandonment provisions – update...

An update for readers on the omission by the government to bring the Abandonment provisions under section 57 – 63 of Housing & Planning Act, 2016 – into force on 6/4/18 as originally planned.

Landlord GDPR policy – Short version

Landlord GDPR policy – Short version...

For individual Landlords GDPR policies can seem more complex than necessary. The GDPR Policy on my web site is a One page (Two sided) document that explains a Landlords policy adequately. Many have written...

New law on abandonment of residential property 06/04/18

New law on abandonment of residential property 06/04/18...

Below is a summary of a larger detailed explanation of this complex piece of legislation, due to come into force tomorrow! I thought it would be of interest to Property118 readers. “The Housing and...

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Friday 13th May 2016

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