Caroline J Maguire

The long haul perspective for Landlords and financing

The long haul perspective for Landlords and financing...

The Budget was a massive disappointment for Landlords. There had been hopes for a reversal of the incoming changes to tax relief on mortgage interest and stamp duty rates.  Unfortunately, there were no...

Estate Planning – What really matters to you?

Estate Planning – What really matters to you?

One in three of us don’t have a Will. That’s a surprising statistic when you consider the implications on those that we love. Not having a Will means that your next of kin will be faced with additional...

How Lenders deal with the demise of a Mortgagor

How Lenders deal with the demise of a Mortgagor...

Make 2015 the year that you no longer take known risks without first taking full consideration of the pros and cons, and by making sure that you’re implementing the appropriate upfront actions. In particular,

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Saturday 30th November 2013

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