Brendan Rogan

Startling News on Interest-only Mortgages and end of term

Startling News on Interest-only Mortgages and end of term...

By January 2024, approximately 250,000 borrowers will have reached the repayment date for their interest-only mortgage. Most have no plans in place to deal with this problem and will struggle to find a...

A guide to dealing with mortgage arrears

A guide to dealing with mortgage arrears...

If you have missed payments and built up mortgage arrears on your property then it’s important that you act quickly. Too often too many people take the ostrich approach to financial matters. However,

The Mortgage Misery that could affect over 1.5m UK Households

The Mortgage Misery that could affect over 1.5m UK Households...

It has recently been reported that according to the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), there are 1.67 million homeowners in the UK on some form of interest-only mortgage. That accounts for over 17% of...

Don’t feel trapped by a debt and negative equity nightmare

Don’t feel trapped by a debt and negative equity nightmare...

It has been highlighted recently in the media of some of the many drastic actions that people feel they had no choice but to carry out to finally put an end to their debt nightmare. People living with...

The best solution to resolve a Negative Equity issue

The best solution to resolve a Negative Equity issue...

In 2011, GDP Equity Experts was established to offer a mediation service for those people who found themselves in serious trouble with banks and financial institutions over property debt. We are now into...

Escape the Negative Equity trap through Mediation

Escape the Negative Equity trap through Mediation...

If you are trapped in Negative equity and need to find a solution we advocate Mediation as we believe that this is the best option not only for the clients, but also for the banks as this process saves...

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Friday 4th January 2019

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