Appalled Landlord

Dan Wilson Craw laments the human misery that his demands would increase

Dan Wilson Craw laments the human misery that his demands would...

Dan Wilson Craw is Director of the organisation that calls itself Generation Rent. He was quoted yesterday as follows: “Without a reliable housing benefit system, Londoners on low incomes are getting...

Bank of England economists base theory on Generation Rent claptrap

Bank of England economists base theory on Generation Rent claptrap...

They helpfully link to articles quoting industry experts who predicted that higher property taxes would lead to higher rents in their article: “Higher property taxes needn’t mean higher rents… Some...

McDonnell and Marr lull landlords over RTB

McDonnell and Marr lull landlords over RTB...

Andrew Marr is a former Maoist and a former member of the Socialist Campaign for a Labour Victory.  His entry in Wikipedia (click here) includes the following: “Regarding his political affiliations,

Is Shelter’s Campaigns Director beginning to see the light?

Is Shelter’s Campaigns Director beginning to see the light?

Greg Beales was quoted on 2 March 2019 as saying: “Shelter research shows that almost one in three renters receiving housing benefit haven’t been able to apply for a home they wanted due to discriminatory...

Shelter couple’s “punishment”: self-imposed exile in Cornwall

Shelter couple’s “punishment”: self-imposed exile in Cornwall...

Shelter has produced a video, which you can view below, as part of its futile campaign against No DSS adverts. Comments can be left below the video if you Click here “Krystyna and her husband Geoff had...

Land for the Many but Rentals for the Few

Land for the Many but Rentals for the Few...

The Land for the Many report for the Labour Party was released on 4 June. Click here George Monbiot was the editor and there were six other authors. One of them, Beth Stratford, wrote an article about...

Shelter’s Income and expenditure figures highlighted

Shelter’s Income and expenditure figures highlighted...

Shelter’s accounts for the year to March 2018 show total income of £67.4m, and total expenditure of £66.4m.  Compared to the previous year, income was up 11% and expenditure was up 6%: click here.

Manchester’s temporary accommodation up nearly 500% in 5 years

Manchester’s temporary accommodation up nearly 500% in 5 years...

The Manchester Evening News recently published an article on the cost – and dire state – of temporary accommodation provided by the council. Click here “Lauren Edwards, team leader at Shelter’s...

Generation Rent’s dream based on fallacious theorem from Trustee

Generation Rent’s dream based on fallacious theorem from Trustee...

The assured shorthold tenancy (AST) that was introduced three decades ago allows people to let properties for a fixed-period. Section 21 of the Housing Act 1988 allows the landlord to give two months’...



That’s what Ken Loach called for 10 years ago, because Shelter’s CEO Adam Sampson wanted employees to do unpaid overtime to win a government contract. What, you thought Shelter was a charity that housed...

Is Shelter a charity?

Is Shelter a charity?

Or is it a commercial enterprise, a sub-contractor to government or a left-wing pressure group financed by the general public? The answer to all of these is yes. In the year to March 2017 Shelter received...

Support for Shelter’s discrimination campaign is completely out of date

Support for Shelter’s discrimination campaign is completely...

Polly Neate and Greg Beales took over the management of Shelter in August/September 2017. In August this year Shelter started to harass letting agents over alleged bans on housing benefit (HB) claimants.

Shelter’s Campaigns Director misrepresented the law to the agent it harassed

Shelter’s Campaigns Director misrepresented the law to the...

Does the truth not matter to Shelter? Click here On 16 October the campaign of harassment by Shelter’s supporters against Ludlow Thompson (LT) culminated in instructions to the firm from Greg Beales,

Shelter’s harassment of letting agents is futile, so why are they doing it?

Shelter’s harassment of letting agents is futile, so why are...

Shelter’s campaign against letting agents started with an attempt to establish a legal principle in an action against a single-branch agency.  This failed – even though Shelter had a barrister...

Shelter’s new strategy document contains a number of untruths

Shelter’s new strategy document contains a number of untruths...

‘Does the truth not matter to them?’ click here Earlier this month the commercial charity Shelter issued a new strategy document. click here The following quotations are taken from section...

Patrick Collinson has got it wrong yet again!

Patrick Collinson has got it wrong yet again!

Last year I described how Patrick Collinson had misunderstood two reports with big numbers in them: Patrick Collinson “Guardian of Housing Ignorance” Patrick Collinson has done it again! This week...

Generation Rent tries to hoodwink policymakers

Generation Rent tries to hoodwink policymakers...

On Tuesday Generation Rent published a paper by its Director, Dan Wilson Craw. He proves – to his own satisfaction at least – that the Law of Supply and Demand does not apply to the UK’s...

Shelter’s website says Section 21 does not cause homelessness

Shelter’s website says Section 21 does not cause homelessness...

Last Friday Melanie Onn MP had an article published in The House, Parliament’s Magazine. Melanie Onn is Labour MP for Great Grimsby and shadow minister for housing. Towards the end she wrote “We’d...

Shelter’s Head of Research misled public on TV

Shelter’s Head of Research misled public on TV...

Last Thursday Hilary Burkitt, the Head of Research at Shelter, spoke about the PRS on the BBC’s Politics Live programme, about 22 minutes from the start. click here She said “people don’t have the...

Shelter: single mothers, bullying and how to delay eviction

Shelter: single mothers, bullying and how to delay eviction...

Polly Neate, CEO of Shelter, was on the Victoria Derbyshire programme on Wednesday. The subject was homeless single mothers. These people are of great importance to  Shelter because it hopes to use them...

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