ABOUT Property118.com

ABOUT Property118.com

11:25 AM, 19th February 2011, About 14 years ago 1

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Property118.com is a unique resource and community for Property Investors, Landlords, Property Developers and the associated trades and professions.  Membership is free.

As you can see, we do not promote any products or services of any kind here, nor do we carry advertising of any kind.  We do, however, allow our contributors to plug their business without blatantly advertising, especially within guest articles but also in the comments sections below our News features which subscribed members regularly share with friends, associates and clients via Facebook, Twitter, email, LinkedIn etc. We do not accept commission from these promotions, nor do we endorse or accept liability for any product or service promoted by contributors to this site.  We reserve the right to remove any commercial posts of any nature without providing reason.

We are constantly approached by businesses wanting to advertise on the site or to pay us to email their product of service to our members or to buy leads from us.  The answer is always no, regardless of the financial incentives they offer.  We will not compromise the integrity of our resource at any price.  If we like a product or service and a company has a good story to share we will consider asking them to produce a guest article without seeking any form of compensation, financial or otherwise.

The first active feature in the website is the News section to which two to three articles are added daily.  Headlines are Tweeted as they are written and a summary of headlines with links to the relevant articles is emailed to members weekly but are accessible for free for anybody to read at any time directly from the site.  Only subscribed members may leave comments.

Additional services coming soon include:

Property Viability Calculator

Our members and their professional advisors are likely to use this as part of their ongoing ‘due diligence’.  The software will calculate at what level borrowings are viable and at what point cashflow breaks even, based on the parameters input by the user.  It will also integrate with buy to let mortgage sourcing software giving details of lenders, products, interest rates, fees, criteria etc.  We are not mortgage brokers and the software is not a replacement for professional advice.  However, we believe you will find the software to be an extremely useful business tool to number crunch your deals and to project future returns, whether you are looking at a purchase, refinance or refurbishment project, with or without borrowings.

Member profiles and directory

When you first become a member of this community we will ask you to provide basic contact information.  This is because we like to know who we are dealing with and we prefer absolute transparency.    We want to network with you both on and offline.  We will not share your information without your permission and any information accessible to other members of the community will be made clear at the time we ask you for it. Far from trying to pinch business away from your trusted connections, we would actually like you to promote them to this growing community and help good businesses prosper.  From time to time we will ask you to add to your member profile for the benefit of the community.  For example, we will ask you to provide basic contact details of your preferred suppliers of trades and professional services such as plumbers, mortgage brokers, landlord associations, solicitors, lettings agents, electricians, EPC providers etc.  Search functionality will then be added to help members find these contacts and to see which other members recommend them.  The more recommendations a trade or profession receives from members, the higher they will appear in the search lists.

Discussion Forum

We are currently in talks with the UK’s busiest property discussion forum as they share very similar values to ourselves.  If all goes well we will share a common membership platform and merge the two sites.

Long term business plan

You are possibly wondering why we are creating this community.  The answer is, because we can and because we think it is needed.  It is relatively low budget to run at this stage and we are funding it from our own resources.  However, as the community grows we will need to invest into superior technology to continue to service the requirements of our members.  Therefore, when we reach a certain critical mass (we don’t know what this is yet) we will monetise the supplier searches by offering low budget premium listings in the directory of suppliers and adding sponsorships to that area of the site only.  This will enable members preferred suppliers to purchase an enhanced profile providing more details of their businesses, e.g. pictures, website links, further explanation of products and services offered etc.

We look forward to welcoming your contributions to this ever growing online property community.

If you are not already a member you can join here.  Remember, it’s free.

One final thing, please tell your friends, clients and business contacts about this community by using the Facebook Share, Tweet and Share/Save buttons below.  Clicking the “Share/Save” button allows you to share via email, LinkedIn and most other popular forms of online Social Media.

Thank you for reading and please feel free to post a comment.

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13:42 PM, 19th February 2011, About 14 years ago

[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Vanessa Warwick, Mark Alexander. Mark Alexander said: RT @4_Walls: ABOUT Property118.com #P118 via @iamalandlord >>> excellent expression of method [...]

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